Horizon Europe - process and procedure descriptions for participation - Kunnskapsbasen
Horizon Europe - process and procedure descriptions for participation
Process and procedure descriptions for participation in Horizon Europe – and programmes in the peripheral area of Horizon Europe, like Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI), Eurostars and ERA-NET.
Innholdsfortegnelse [-]
Contact the faculty EU adviser as soon as possible if you are planning to participate in a Horizon Europe application.
Norsk versjon: Horisont Europa - prosess- og rutinebeskrivelser for deltakelse
Approval procedure
Approval procedure for
- initiating work with applications
- submitting applications
- the contract preparation phase
- signing of contract documents
Please find detailed information below.
NB! Separate procedures are in place for applications to the ERC (European Research Council). Contact the faculty EU adviser or the Research, Innovation and External Relations Division.
Application approvals from the Head of Department
It is important to obtain approvals from the Head of Department on three levels in the application and project phase:
When initiating work with applications
When initiating work with applications – i.e. when the project leader and the Head of Department agrees that the application is in line with the department's academic strategy and that both financial and personnel resources are available – the Head of Department / unit leader must confirm in the application confirmation form Horizon Europe that the application is supported. This confirmation is also necessary to apply for PES grants.
Before submitting the application
Before submitting the application, the BOA checklist (activities financed on the basis of contributions or assignments) must be signed (NB! This does not apply for step 1 applications in two-step application processes. At this stage, a detailed budget and applicable resource requirements must be in place. One of NTNU's EU financial officer's should add information on budgets and resources, and sign the checklist. It is important that the Head of Department / unit leader and project leader sign off on this, as per general BOA procedures. The work flow of the BOA checklist is Project leader -> EU financial officer -> Head of department.
If/when the application is invited to contract preparations
If/when the application is invited to contract preparations, the Head of Department and project leader has to confirm again in the contract preparation confirmation form Horizon Europe that the terms are accepted. Any changes might have consequences for the opportunity to carry out the project. When NTNU is the coordinator, participation must also be confirmed by the host faculty leader, among other things to trigger the incentive schemes. In case of participants from more than one department, the other heads of department must also sign the participation confirmation form.
Signing of contract documents
Declaration of honour
Signing of the Declaration of Honour (DoH) is performed electronically by the Pro-Rector of Research, on behalf of NTNU. The declaration is signed when all academic and administrative matters have been settled. In cases where NTNU is an affiliated entity, the DoH needs to be signed by the Pro-Rector on paper. When everything is ready for signing, the EU adviser at the applicable faculty will inform the responsible person in the Research, Innovation and External Relations Division. The legal advisers in Division for Governance and Management Systems shall not review the DoH.
Grant Agreement
The Grant Agreement (GA) is signed electronically by Pro-Rector for Research. When it is ready for signing, the EU adviser at the applicable faculty will inform the responsible person in the Research, Innovation and External Relations Division. The legal advisers in Division for Governance and Management Systems shall not review the GA.
Consortium Agreement
Consortium Agreement (CA). The faculty EU adviser should contact the legal adviser in Division for Governance and Management Systems as early as possible if they need assistance in preparing the CA. The draft CA should be sent to an EU financial adviser, who will check the paragraphs relating to financial aspects. If the draft CA differs from the standard template (other deviations than different wording or changes due to project description) the final CA must be quality assured by the legal adviser in Division for Governance and Management Systems before it can be signed by Pro-Rector for Research. A copy of the authorisation letter (available here as Signeringsfullmakt) must be enclosed if someone else has to sign the CA.