Apply for project establishment grants - Kunnskapsbasen
Apply for project establishment grants
This page contains application forms and guidance on applying for project establishment grants (PES), specifically EU applications to the Horizon Europe.
Apllications for project establishment grants (PES) are awarded monthly from NTNU’s strategic funding and a block grant from the Research Council of Norway (RCN). NTNU employees must apply to the NTNU administration for PES grants. Before they are sent in, PES applications need to be approved by the department or unit leader.
På norsk: Søk om prosjektetableringsstøtte
Who can apply?
Scientific staff may apply for grants on a topic encompassed by Horizon Europe or other, peripheral projects. PES grants are not award to researchers for exploratory applications. Applicants who are coordinating proposals shall have sent their PES application to NTNU at least 3 months before the proposal deadline to EU.
Application forms
Download the PES application form for EU applications with deadlines in 2025-2027 (xls) V21, 16.12.2024
Remember to:
- Contact your local EU advisor for help writing the application.
- Send the PES application before the costs of your project have started running. (local link)
- The head of department or unit must approve the application (link to chapter).
Help filling out the application
The fields of the application form are explained on the form. Hold your mouse over the text in column B to see the description.
Applications must contain:
- The topic identity (Call Id. ex. SC5-13-2018).
- A short description of the project’s goal, its type (RIA, IA, CSA, MSCA, etc) and what topic the application is for, with the application deadline.
- A justified budget with personal costs connected to the application preparations.
- Current and potential partners.
- A clear description of the applications role and responsibilities in the project. It must be made clear if NTNU is coordinating the project.
Send the application
When the application is completed and the head of department has approved it, it should be sent to your local EU coordinator. The EU coordinator with complete the process of sending in and filing the application.
Deadline for submission is the 20th every month.
What projects are supported?
Projects in EU’s Horizon Europe.
Contact your EU adviser for more information about grants for long-term initiatives.
What can be expensed?
The following items can be included in the budget post of the application form:
- Buying time for personnel. The salary of employees with tenure at NTNU is not covered.
- Buying time covers the salary of temporary employees who cover the duties of the person who has been bought time.
- Indirect costs need to be added to the salary costs of the temporary personnel. This only applies to personnel who are temporarily employed at NTNU (postdocs, PhD, etc), and not to external consultants.
- Expenses related to searching for partners or establishing a project consortium.
- NTNU employees’ travel expenses.
- External assistance and guidance.
The own funding is automatically generated in the application form.
Size of the grant
More information about the maximum amounts for your application (In Norwegian)
Payment of support
When the application has been processed, you will receive an result letter. Based on this letter, your local project economist will establish a project number where the expenses for the PES project can be charged.
Expenses must be accounted as quickly as possible, and sent in no later than one month after the EU application deadline.
Expenses must be accounted as quickly as possible, and sent in by the end of the year.
See also
Research project administration