
Hazardous infectious and radioactive waste - tasks and responsibilities

These guidelines describe the responsibilities and tasks for handling, declaration and disposal of hazardous waste, infectious waste and radioactive waste. Individuals responsible for handling, declaration and disposal of these types of waste are obligated to familiarize themselves with procedures, guidelines and legislation.

Norsk versjon - Farlig, smittefarlig og radioaktivt avfall - ansvar og oppgaver

Subject page about HSE | Pages labelled with waste

Responsibilities and tasks

Line manager

The line manager should make sure that

  • the unit is disposing of hazardous, infectious and radioactive waste in accordance with the guidelines. This responsibility applies for anyone who is involved in and/or has leadership responsibility for production and handling of hazardous, infectious and/or radioactive waste.
  • one or more disposers are appointed to be responsible for the disposal of the unit's hazardous, infectious and radioactive waste to the waste recipient. The line manager is responsible for providing the disposer(s) with the necessary training.
  • risk assessments are conducted of waste storage facilities. Room cards with clear and understandable information should be placed next to all doors leading to rooms where hazardous, infectious and/or radioactive waste is being stored. For more information about storage of radioactive waste, see Radiation protection – radioactive waste (in Norwegian).
  • the unit keeps records of hazardous, infectious and radioactive waste is has disposed of. The records should be kept for at least three years.
  • employees do not work alone with hazardous, infectious and radioactive waste, unless this has been specifically agreed.
  • a coordination agreement is made for disposal of hazardous, infectious and radioactive waste, if the unit shares facilities with SINTEF, St. Olavs Hospital, or others. The coordination agreement shall state who is responsible for disposal of the waste and which guidelines must be followed.

Employees who generate hazardous, infectious and radioactive waste

Employees who generate hazardous, infectious and radioactive waste should


The disposer is the person responsible for delivering hazardous, infectious and/or radioactive waste from employees who have generated the waste to the waste recipient. The disposer should make sure that

  • the waste is eligible for transport
  • the waste is correctly classified, packaged and declared. Containers with waste and external packaging must be fit for transport. The containers must be undamaged and, if applicable, the cap must be in place. If containers with solid hazardous waste are damaged: Replace the external packaging with, for instance, zip lock bags.
  • the recipient of radioactive waste is contacted before the waste is sent with Norsk Gjenvinning AS. This is important to make sure that Norsk Gjenvinning AS are able to deliver the waste.
  • hazardous, infectious and radioactive waste is handled and disposed of in accordance with the guidelines.

Contact the waste recipient if you (the disposer) are in doubt about the correct sorting, packaging and declaration of the waste.


NTNU regulations



  • Questions about handling and disposal of hazardous and infectious waste, packaging, labelling, etc.: Norsk Gjenvinning AS, Jørn Viggo Lofstad, e-mail:, phone: 97 05 88 74
  •, HSE Adviser, NT faculty (waste handling at NT and creating user accounts on
  • Roger Aarvik, Staff Engineer, NT faculty (disposal of spontaneously flammable and explosive chemicals at NT)
  • Ingvild Hammer, HSE Adviser, DMF (waste handling at DMF and creating user accounts on
  • Ragnar Hellan, Operations Manager (waste handling at NTNU)
  • Wenche Karlseng, Process Manager (waste handling at NTNU)
  • Arve Johansen, HSE Adviser (hazardous waste, infectious waste and creating user accounts on
  • Ann Kristin Sjaastad – Cert. Occupational Hygienist (radioactive waste)
  • Safety Adviser, Sven Wiik AS (transport of hazardous goods)


Approved by Director of HSE - October 14th 2016 - HMSR1803E