
EPT - Department...

Projects and economy

On this page you will find local guidelines on projects and economy for employees at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering.

Norsk versjon - Denne siden finnes bare på engelsk

See also: Who does what in EPT admin

Project Management

The Project Manager definition can be found in EPT's local guidelines (PDF in Norwegian).

Project Managers at EPT must make themselves familiar with EPT's overview of the project process at the Department which describes tasks and roles during the different steps of the process:

  1. Application
  2. Awarded proposal / Grant preparation phase
  3. Contract
  4. Start up
  5. Project phase
  6. Close project

Contact research administration support at EPT.

EPT's process is an addition to NTNU's guidelines on Research Project Management.

Project definition

NTNU uses the term project for several kinds of activities and across various founders. A project can be defined as a one-time assignment or an activity with a defined duration and is expected to lead to an agreed upon result. The project or activity is normally described in an agreement that also indicates the resources required for carrying out the project. A project description defines the activities and tasks to be performed and is not linked to specific personnel (e.g. in an application for funding it is the planned work/activities that will be considered most relevant, not who will be working on the project).


Below you will find info for project managers on how to apply for external funding, on internal grants and incentives arrangements at EPT. See also NTNU topic page: Funding your research

Apply for external funding (BOA)

At NTNU, the term for external funded projects is often shortened to BOA (No.: Bidrags- og oppdragsfinansierte prosjekter). Projects where NTNU gets funding from other sources than the grant from the Ministry of Education and Research will normally be defined as either sponsored activities (Bidrag in Norwegian) or commission-based activities (Oppdrag in Norwegian).

EU research support office at IV faculty

Sponsored activities: definition

Projects where NTNU gets funding from national or international sources, where there is no claim for deliveries (risk transfer). Sponsored activities can be partly financed by own funding from NTNU, but such own funding shall be included in the budget. Sponsored activities shall never generate profits/surplus.

Commission-based activities: definition

Projects that NTNU undertake against payment from external funders, where there is a claim for counter-performance/risk transfer at the contract signing. The commissioning party must cover all NTNUs direct and indirect costs plus a profit at market level. NTNU needs to be able to prove that all costs have been considered in calculation of the agreed commission.

Internal grants

In addition to external funded projects, there are several types of internal funded projects which are funded either by the Rectors office (RSO-projects), by the IV-faculty or by EPT.

RSO projects

These projects are grants from the Rector's office or the IV-faculty, and are allocated to strategic important scientific areas at NTNU:

Incentives arrangements at EPT


All permanent scientific staff can have their own internal project for activity/expenses which is not directly connected to external funded projects. The funds in the so-called "Driftskonto" (formerly known as "69-konto") are transferred from EPT to the "driftskonto" according to thhe amount of hours logged on external funded projects according to the frames laid by EPT.

See EPT's guidelines for "69-projects" in full text

Budget planning

You should always contact the Financial Officer at the Department, for both preparation of the budget and for budget revisions. However, here are the issues to consider:

  • Start and end date of the project
  • Who is the coordinator, who are the project participants
  • Is there other departments at NTNU involved
  • Is there a budget frame. Budget calculation tool.
  • Positions (PhD, Postdocs, Research Assistants, Prof II)
  • Hours. See EPT's guidelines for management hours and supervision (PDF in Norwegian). See also hourly rates on the page Budgeting for projects (in Norwegian), but note that the financial officer must help you decide the correct hour rate for all persons involved in the project according to their salary costs.
  • Travels, workshops, seminars and conferences
  • Laboratoray costs (technician hours, equipment and materials)
  • Infrastructure cost (in Norwegian: leiested). This is defined as use of EPT's infrastructure (laboratories and computer labs).
    • Infrastructure Laboratories (use of labs and investments)
    • Digital lab (Computing lab in the IndEcol Research Group)
    • Computer lab (Computing lab at EPT)

All budget changes and revisions that effect the time schedule and the estimated costs in the projects implies a budget revision which must be reported to the funding source.

Contact persons

You as project manager can find your designated financial officer via this overview.

See also: Who does what in EPT admin