
Technology and...

Teach in rooms with Panopto

A room with Panopto means that the room is equipped with cameras and technology that allow you to record the teaching. In addition to the Panopto filming technology the room has PC and AV presentation equipment. On this page, we go through what you as a teacher must relate to if you are to teach from such a room.

Norsk versjon: Undervise i rom med Panopto

What do I have to do?

Panopto filming in the room is based on prebooked, automated recordings. If your teaching in this room is timetabled then you can book automatic recording through the Videoplanleggeren in your Blackboard course room.

If your teaching isn't scheduled and you want to book a recording you need to Use this form in NTNU Hjelp toorder automatic recording with Panopto from the Section for teaching, learning and digital services via NTNU Help.

How do I use the room?

When you have ordered the recording and it’s time to start, a lamp in the room will turn green signalling that the recording has started. You can now start teaching as planned. The recordings are set to start a quarter past the hour and the recording stops at the top of the hour. (45 minutes later). If there is a double, triple, etc. lesson, the break (s) must be taken between a full hour and a quarter past.

There is some variation in how the cameras work in the rooms. Some rooms have cameras with movement sensors that tract the lecturer’s movement to the best of its ability, while other rooms have a fixed camera. If there is a white board or chalk board in the room, the camera covers the entire board.

What can I do in the room? - Possibilities


In the Panopto rooms it is possible to record your lecture. The rooms are suitable for recording if you want to record a long session and don’t want to use a webcam or home office setup. The recordings can be part of flipped classroom teaching.

Read more about flipped classroom teaching here

Read more about how to edit and share a Panopto recording

If you are going to record teaching, you need to follow the requirements and rules for processing personal data. Read more about this here.

Campus Teaching

Rooms with Panopto can be used as ordinary teaching rooms as well – you don’t have to use Panopto for the room to work. If all the students can be present on campus you can teach them as in previous years in the room.

Streaming live teaching

You can stream live tuition to your students. This works best if all students follow the session online while you stand alone in the Panopto room and lecture. This is like a normal online session, only that you are in a classroom while the students are at home. This gives all students and equal experience.

Note: streaming teaching directly via Panopto is challenging. A live broadcast via Panopto has a 30 second delay. This is a limitation in the system and nothing can be done about it. This makes interaction with the students very difficult. However, you can still set up a third-party chat solution, where you interact with the students and give them the opportunity to ask some questions about the topics.

Read more about how to facilitate interaction and collaborate in online sessions and about recommended practice in online sessions.

What can I not do in the room? - Limitations

Hybrid teaching

Hybrid online teaching is when some students are in the classroom and some students follow the teaching online. This is a practice that works poorly in rooms with Panopto. Panopto streaming has a 30 second delay in transmission. This means that in practice it becomes impossible to give the students who are at home the opportunity to participate in the session in the same way and with the same quality as the students who participate in the room. Hybrid teaching works better in rooms with Zoom Rooms.

Read more about hybrid teaching

See also

Panopto Lecture Capture

Teach in rooms with Zoom Rooms\\Teach in rooms without technology for online teaching

Who can help me?

Technical user support

Contact the Oracle Service. Submit a quiry to NTNU Help.
Call (735) 91 500 or local telephone number that will be marked on the podium.

Pedagogical guidance in the use of Panopto

Contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services for help with Panopto through NTNU Help.