
Technology and...


The Videoplanlegger is a tool that makes it easier for teachers to order streaming and recording of teaching in rooms equipped with Panopto lecture capturing. Previously, lecturers have had to order streaming/recording from the Section for teaching, learning and digital services via NTNU Help. From the spring semester 2023, teachers can now schedule streaming and recording via Blackboard.

Norsk versjon: Videoplanlegger

Topic page: Plan, administrate and evaluate teaching

How can I use the Videoplanlegger?

The Videoplanlegger is used exclusively for planning the streaming/recording of lectures in courses that are scheduled in the timetable in TP. It is available as a course tool in Blackboard for lecturers and course admin.

Videoplanlegger is fully integrated with TP (NTNU's timetable tool), Blackboard (NTNU's LMS – learning management system) and Panopto (NTNU's video service). When a course has been allocated a room in TP, this will be visible in Blackboard for lecturers and admin, through the new Videoplanlegger tool. The lecturer/admin orders streaming and recording through the Videoplanlegger, and the Videoplanlegger automatically schedules this in Panopto. Students can then follow the streaming, or watch a recording, of the lecture in Blackboard as usual.

How to get started

Here are a couple of links that can help you get the most out of the Videoplanlegger:

What if I can't order streaming and recording through the Videoplanlegger?

If you need streaming/recording in Panopto of lectures that are not timetabled, this must be ordered from the Section for teaching, learning and digital services in NTNU Help.

Help and support

Contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) by sending us a message via NTNU Help.

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