Tools and resources – education quality - Kunnskapsbasen
Tools and resources – education quality
This page contains a collection of tools and resources that are useful when you are working with education quality. The resources are organized by theme.
For more information about the process for evaluation and development, please refer to the theme pages for courses, study programs and portfolio.
Main page: Education quality
Norsk versjon: Verktøy og ressurser – utdanningskvalitet
Knowledge base and data sources
In order to evaluate and develop the quality of our courses and study programs, we systematically gather information from relevant sources. Such data forms the basis for NTNU’s quality reports on education.
A varied selection of data is arranged and made available through KASPER and BEVISST, in addition to this page. This material comes from a combination of qualitative and quantitative sources, production/register data (FS, DBH) and reports on perceived quality (surveys). The sources are both internal and external.
In addition to this standard material, the course coordinator/head of study programme decides which knowledge base they consider relevant for the development of the course/study programme at any given time.
- Evaluation reports for courses and study programmes are available in Studiekvalitetsportalen
- BEVISST dashboard: “Våre emner” (Our courses) (under construction) – provides numbers and graphs relevant for analysis of the quality of courses
- BEVISST dashboard: “Begrunnelse og klage på sensur” (Explanations of grades and appeals) – provides data for incoming requests for explanation and appeals regarding grades: Numbers, percentages, outcomes and processing time
- BEVISST dashboard: "Karakterdata" (grade data) – supplements the grade data in KASPER and shows various statistics regarding grades for several years: Number of assessments, grade distribution, grade tendencies over time, and processing time
- Database for Statistics on Higher Education (DBH) is a data warehouse which holds data on a broad range of topics in the sector of higher education and research in Norway
- See also Completing student evaluation of courses about collecting feedback from students
Study programmes
- Evaluation reports for courses and study programmes are available in Studiekvalitetsportalen
- Studiebarometeret (conducted by NOKUT) surveys the students’ perceptions of the quality of their study programmes
- Studiebarometeret – reports from Rambøll (requires login, please contact Marit Svendsen)
- The Teacher Survey (conducted by NOKUT) supplements the student survey “Studiebarometeret” by gathering information about the teachers’ perceptions of educational quality
- BEVISST dashboard: “Våre studieprogram” (Our study programmes) – provides numbers and graphs relevant for analysis of the quality of study programmes
- BEVISST dashboard: “Utdanningsportalen” (The education portal) – provides numbers and graphs as basis for NTNU’s annual quality reports
- STAR Tableau: “Studieprogramlederrapporten” (report for head of study programme) – contains e.g. numbers for application, startup, exit and progress, grade distribution and internal mobility between study programmes (requires login, please contact Ivar Pettersen)
- Theme pages for "Fremtidens teknologistudier" and "Fremtidens HUMSAM-studier" (in Norwegian)
- Student surveys regarding Covid19 (in Norwegian)
- "NTNUs kandidatundersøkelse" (NTNU’s candidate survey) provides insight about how former NTNU students experience the transition to employment (in Norwegian). Questions include e.g. access to relevant positions, wage levels, sector, and satisfaction with their study programme in light of their worklife experience.
- BEVISST dashboard: “Kvalitet i utdanning” (Quality in education) provides data for following up the Quality Areas defined in NTNU’s Portfolio Policy
- Database for Statistics on Higher Education (DBH) – national data warehouse with a broad range of topics in the sector of higher education and research in Norway
- BEVISST dashboard: “Styringsdata på utdanningsområdet” (key performance indicators in the education area) – provides numbers and graphs that are relevant for analyzing the quality of NTNU’s study programmes
- BEVISST dashboard: “Kvalitet i utdanning” (Quality in education) provides data for following up the Quality Areas defined in NTNU’s Portfolio Policy
- Studiebarometeret (conducted by NOKUT) surveys the students’ perceptions of the quality of their study programmes
- Studiebarometeret – reports from Rambøll (requires login, please contact Marit Svendsen)
- DBH: “Tilstandsrapport for høyere utdanning” (Status reports for higher education) present key indicators for the higher education area for the previous years and identify trends (Hkdir)
- DBH: “NOKUTs kvalitetsindikatorer” (NOKUT’s quality indicators) – quantitative indicators for quality in research and education, that form the quantitative basis NOKUT’s accreditations and other evaluations
- "Studentenes Helse- og Trivselsundersøkelse – ShoT" (Survey of the students’ health and well-being) monitors prerequisites and conditions that influence the students’ learning
- "NTNUs kandidatundersøkelse" (NTNU’s candidate survey) provides insight about how former NTNU students experience the transition to employment. Questions include e.g. access to relevant positions, wage levels, sector, and satisfaction with their study programme in light of their worklife experience.
- “NTNUs arbeidsgiverundersøkelse" (NTNU’s employer survey) provides insight about the employers that hire our former students, and to what extent NTNU’s study programmes meet the work life’s needs for competence. The previous employer survey from 2015 can be found at Arkiv - undersøkelser om utdanning
Older data sources
- Archive – surveys about education quality (in Norwegian)
- Course reports, study programme reports and reference group reports - 2019 and earlier
- Guide: How to find reports about education quality
Some tools and systems require login. Information about how to get access is listed below:
Annual processes and deadlines
- Årshjul og tidsfrister – utdanningskvalitet (in Norwegian)
Regulations and guidelines
- Wiki: Guidelines in the Quality Assurance System
- Wiki: Generelle lover og regler - studier (general laws and regulations – education)
Digital tools
Other resources
- Plan, administrate and evaluate teaching
- NTNU Teaching Excellence
- Utlysninger utdanningskvalitet
- Hvordan jobbe med psykososialt læringsmiljø
- Læringsportalen – course catalog for employees
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