
Senior policy

Side under arbeid. Senior policy is about creating conditions so that employees can continue to be fully or partly employed for longer than they had originally intended, in the best interests of both the company and the individual employee.

Norsk: Seniorpolitikk ved NTNU

Topic page pension

NTNU's senior policy (in Norwegian)
The intention of NTNU's Senior Policy is to contribute to make use of the expertise that the university's senior employees possess. At the same time, it is important that one also sees adaptations for seniors in a working environment perspective. This means that the measures should contribute to a meaningful work situation, characterised by job satisfaction, coping, professional development and social belonging.

Extra days off

From the year you turn 60, you have an extra week of holiday

From the year you turn 62, you have 8 extra days off (senior days)

Work after the state's age limit

You have the opportunity to work a few extra years after reaching retirement age. For more information about the age limitis, see Aldersgrensene i staten at (only available in Norwegian).

Work until you're 70

You can work after the age of 67 until you reach the age of 70 without drawing a pension from the National Insurance Scheme. You can also work for the same period at the same time as you retire.

Work after 70 years

You are obliged to resign at the turn of the first month after the general age limit has been reached. This one is currently 70 years old.

If it is the employee's initiative to continue after the age of 70, then the employer/manager can say no. The employee will then not have the opportunity to appeal or demand explanation for the decision that has been made. If the person is to continue after the age limit, it has to be made an agreement. An assessment must be made that the employee will fill the position, have the health to remain in the position, and meet the competence requirements for the position.
If the initiative comes from the employer, then the matter must be raised in Ansettelsesrådet. In such cases, the employee has the right to appeal the decision, if the appointing authority decides that he/she is not allowed to continue after the age limit.

Go to statens personalhåndbok 5.2.2 (in Norwegian) for more information.

Work according to special age limits 63 and 65 years

The general age limit in the state is 70 years. If the service entails unusual physical or mental strain or places special demands on physical or mental characteristics, the age limit for the position may be lower. At NTNU, this is relevant for drivers and cleaners.

More information at Statens pensjonskasse's Har du særaldersgrense? (in Norwegian).

Dismissal of civil servant

All civil servants may be dismissed administratively when they have reached the state's age limit, from the end of the first month after the age limit for the position has been reached.

Emeritus / Emerita

Retired professor (professor emeritus/emerita) and docent, can apply for office space and possibly other resources for one year at a time. Contact the manager or HR in your unit, who will fill out an access agreement for you.

When considering the application, a balance must be struck between the needs of the officer and the needs of the service.

The faculties have their own guidelines for this.

Senior Courses

Seniors at NTNU are offered senior courses. Senior courses are scheduled at least once a year.

Senior courses are advertised in Læringsportalen.

More information


If you have any questions, you can contact the Service Center via NTNU Help.

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Målgruppe: Medarbeidere
senior policy