Finding reports - Quality assurance of education - Kunnskapsbasen
Finding reports - Quality assurance of education
NTNU's study management system, KASPER, includes a working space for evaluation of courses and study programmes. Since autumn 2020, all course reports and study programme reports are submitted using KASPER.
This page describes how to find and read evaluation reports in KASPER, as well as how to find older reports in the document management system for quality assurance of education (DOQ).
Main page: Education Quality at NTNU
See also: Tools and resources - education quality (Norwegian)
Norsk versjon: Finn rapporter for emner og studieprogram
Are you looking for something else? How to save reports (in Norwegian)
All reports for courses and study programmes from 2020
- Go to Studiekvalitetsportalen
- Choose "Course reports" or "Study programme reports"
- Open filter to sort by faculty and department
- Choose report from the list
Older reports
Evaluation reports for courses - 2019 or earlier
- Go to the document management system DOQ (in Norwegian)
- Choose the tile for course reports ("emnerapporter") or reference group reports ("referansegrupperapporter") for the appropriate faculty
- Use the headers to sort the list, e.g. by course code, course name or department
- Choose report from the list
Study programme reports - 2020 or earlier
- Go to the document management system DOQ (in Norwegian)
- Choose the tile for programme reports ("studieprogramrapporter") for the faculty hosting the study programme
- You can use the headers to sort the list, e.g. by programme code, programme name or department
- Choose report from the list
Department reports - 2019 or earlier
- Go to the document management system (in Norwegian)
- Choose "Studieprogramrapporter" (study programme reports) in the left menu
- Use the headers to sort by report type ("Rapporttype") to make "Instituttrapporter" (department reports) rise to the top
- Choose report from the list.
Reports from 2016 and earlier
Some reports from 2016 and earlier can be found in DOQ-arkiv (in Norwegian). Use the headers to navigate faculty/unit and report type, press the three dots to reveal more alternatives.
See also: List of departments and abbreviations.