
Evaluating a semester in medical studies

In the medical studies, a "semester" corresponds to what is called a "course" at the rest of NTNU. Here you can find roles and assignments connected to the quality assurance of semesters at MH. Norsk versjon: Evaluere semester på medisinstudiet.

Roles and responsibilities


Medical students have the same assignments as other students at NTNU, and can find information on the page about the student's responsibility in quality assurance of the education.

Teaching units (UE)

For every semester where the UE has performed teaching, the following should be evaluated:

  • Has the teaching corresponded to the learning outcome defined for the subject?
  • Were the teaching activities suitable to achieve the defined learning outcome?
  • Did the spiral learning work optimally for the subject area?

The evaluation should be concluded with a report citing suggestions for changes, responsibilities and deadlines. The report is sent to the appropriate Semester Coordinators and the Head of Department.

Semester Coordinator

  • Creating reference groups by the start of the semester
  • Collecting reports from the reference groups and teaching units
  • Performing an own assessment of the quality during the semester
  • Filling out the course/semester report form (docx (in Norwegian)) | (odt (in Norwegian)) | (pdf (in Norwegian)) with a suggested plan of action
  • Sending the report to the Head of Department
  • When the plan of action is passed by the Head of Department, it is implemented before the next time the semester is taught.

Head of Department

The Heads of Department have the personnel responsibility for the Semester Coordinators and the teaching units. This means that the Head of Department is responsible for making sure that the teaching units and the Semester Coordinator are evaluated, and that the reports are submitted before the deadline.

In connection with the semester evaluation, the Heads of Department must:

  • Send the semester reports from the Semester Coordinators to the appropriate bodies (the Programme Council, the other Heads of Department and the members of the reference group)
  • Assess the suggested changes from the teaching units and the Semester Coordinators
  • Pass plans of action for further development of the semesters and subject areas, possibly in consultation with the Programme Council for medical studies
  • Save the reports and approved plans of action in the document management system (in Norwegian).

See also