
Betalmeg travel expenses and reimbursements for non-employees

(Videresendt fra Betalmeg - travel expenses claim for non-employees)

Betalmeg is an access that gives external parties the opportunity to send travel expenses and expense reimbursements to NTNU. Contractors get this access automatically through their contract. Other external users must create a user. Access lasts until you have been inactive for about a year.

Norsk - Betalmeg

Topic page about Travel | Travel expenses claim for NTNU employees

What is Betalmeg?

An access for external parties who need to submit travel expenses and expense reimbursements to NTNU via the self-service solution from DFØ.


Persons who have entered into an assignment contract with NTNU should not be ordered Betalmeg access. Provided that the contract has been signed and approved, the contractor will automatically have access to Betalmeg from the start date of the contract.

Contractors must not enter their actual fee into the BetalMeg solution. The Betalmeg solution is only for expenses that are to be reimbursed.

Go to Contractors for more information

Ordering access

The external person cannot order access themselves. It must go via the contact person at the unit at NTNU who will cover the expenses.

Order Betalmeg access in NTNU Help

In NTNU Help, you must fill in the purpose of the access, name of new user, date of birth (day/month/year), e-mail address, name of the unit, cost center and sub-project number (if the user is to be linked to a specific project).

The access order goes to the Service Center for Payroll and HR , which collects personal data directly from the person and completes the registration.

Get access

If you want access, you will be contacted by the Service Center at NTNU who will ask you to fill out a form to complete the order. You will receive a notification by e-mail from the system supplier DFØ when access is activated.

The DFØ collects tax deduction cards in connection with the registration.

How to use Betalmeg

Instructions: Travel expense claims and expense reimbursements for employees (

Log in

How to log in depends on whether you have a Norwegian bank ID or not:

Log in with a Norwegian bank ID

Log in to the Self-Service portal through this link. You may also download the DFØ app (

Log in for foreign users without a Norwegian bank-ID

Betalmeg-users who do not have a Norwegian bank ID will receive an e-mail with a username. The first time you log in:

  • Go to
  • Chose other agencies
  • Enter your user name and select "forgot password".
  • If you haven't receive a user name yet, select "forgot username"
  • Confirm your phone number and click "send code". You will then receive a code by SMS. After this is registered, you create your own password to log in.

screenshot showing step by step guide to login for foreigners

Note! Mobiles registered in the countries on this list cannot receive SMS from Betalmeg due to a security setting. Contact the Service Center if a travel bill or reimbursement is to be sent from these countries

Submit you travel claims and reimbursements

Guide: How to use Betalmeg ( . In a travel expense claim, please remember to choose "public transport" for bus tickets etc. not "commute".

Be sure to choose the right accommodation in the field "Type of trip" in step1. Go to Accommodation and meals in your travel expense claim - Kunnskapsbasen - NTNU for information.

Payment dates

See the payroll schedule for when travel expense claims and reimbursements are paid out.

Where in the process is your expense claim?

Go to "Register travel expense claim" or "Register reimbursement" in the Self-service portal. In the left hand pane you can find expense claims that have been sent, approved, paid, returned or saved as drafts.

  • Draft: You have started filling out your claim, but it is not yet sent.
  • Sent: Your claim is sent and is waiting for approval.
  • Approved: Your claim is approved and will be paid out. Travel expense claims and reimbursements are paid out on dates of payment "travel expenses and reimbursements" in the payments schedule.
  • Returned: Your claim is rejected and returned to your for correction.
  • Paid: The expense claim has been paid out.

Keep this in mind when registering expense reports as a non-employee

  • All expenses must be agreed in advance with the responsible person at NTNU.
  • Enclose specified receipts documenting all expenses. By specified receipt is meant that the receipt shows what it has been paid for. A bank statement showing only the amount paid will therefore not be sufficient.
  • The claim must be submitted within one month.
  • Make sure the information on the form is correct and complete
  • For travel expenses to be repaid, select "Travel expense claim" when you enter the DFØ app or the self-service portal. If you're claiming a refund for something not related to a trip, select "Register expense reimbursement."
  • According to the government's travel regulations, NTNU do not pay subsistence allowance to non-employees.


If you have any questions or need help using Betalmeg, contact the Service center for Payroll and HR.