
Vancouver style

The Vancouver style is often used in medicine and the natural sciences, and sometimes in technology. Check which reference style your department recommends before you begin writing your paper.

Reference list in Vancouver style

When writing a reference list in Vancouver style:

  • Number all references
  • Arrange your list in the order in which the references appear in your text
  • If there are more than 6 authors, list the first 6 authors followed by “et al.”
  • Use official abbreviations for titles of journals (if available)

The Vancouver style for in-text citation

When using the Vancouver style in-text:

  • Write the reference with an Arabic number in brackets
  • If you reference a source more than once, use the same number you used the first time you referred to that particular source
  • If you cite several sources at the same time, cite them as (2,3) to refer to sources 2 and 3, and (2-4,8) to refer to sources 2, 3, 4 and 8
  • You need to give a reference even when the author's name is stated in the sentence



  • Tourette's syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by ... (1).
  • Researchers such as Warwick, Taylor and Smith and King et al. (7-9) found that …

Particular types of references

Particular types of references

Particular types of references

Personal communications may be telephone conversations, e-mails, and the like. Personal communications are usually not included in the reference list but cited in text only. Example: (RS Grant, letter, 2016 May 10) ... Obtain permission from the cited person. Check with your lecturer if personal communications are suitable for use in your assignments.

ChatGPT and artificial intelligence

Please make sure that you follow guidelines on permitted aids. Be aware that ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools are not always allowed at exams and other papers etc. Please check the guidelines for your faculty/ institute. 

The Vancouver style recommends that references to ChatGPT and other similar services are treated the same way as personal communication. Personal communication and text generated by large language models cannot be reproduced or found, and they should therefore not appear in the reference list. 

When using secondary sources, identify the primary source and cite the secondary source in the text. Example: According to Newman’s research, as cited in Higgins (5) … In the reference list, provide an entry for the secondary source that you have read.



Quotations of 3 lines or fewer are placed in quotation marks (before and after). Quotations of more than 3 lines should have their own indented paragraph, without quotation marks.

Examples of quotations


Short quotation: “It is permissible to quote, word for word, from a source, but in most disciplines, this should be done sparingly” (5, p. 143).

Short quotation (the name of the author is integrated in the text): Day claims that “it is permissible to quote, word for word, from a source, but in most disciplines, this should be done sparingly” (5, p. 143).

Always use page numbers for direct quotations.

Indirect quotations (paraphrases)

Indirect quotations (paraphrases)

An Indirect quotation (paraphrase) is a reformulation of the original text.

Example of indirect quotation


Furseth and Everett (4) maintain that the primary reason behind the use of citations and reference list is the idea of research as a collective endeavour. Research should be verifiable, and those reading your work should be able to find those sources your material is based upon.

More on the Vancouver style

More on the Vancouver style

The information on how you write references in text and in a reference list using Vancouver style is mainly from the style guide of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), Citing Medicine (1).

ICMJE Recommendations, developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, includes a list with examples of references in the Vancouver style.

1. Patrias K. Citing Medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007 [updated 2015 Oct 2; cited 2016 Oct 13]. Available from:

Vancouver - examples

Vancouver - examples

The example shows you how to write references in-text and in a reference list. It also shows you which kind of reference to choose when using EndNote.

Choose a source you want to see an example of.

Vancouver - toggler


Surname Initial(s). Book title. Edition - if applicable. Place: Publisher; Year.

In text


(1, p. 50)

In a reference list

1. Creme P, Lea MR. Writing at university. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press; 2003.

In EndNote

Add as “Book”.

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Edition – if applicable.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date


Surname Initial(s). Book title [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Year [cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

4. Bick J. 101 thing you need to know about Internet law [Internet]. New York: Three Rivers Press; 2000 [cited 2004 Mar 30]. Available from: 

In EndNote

Add as “Electronic Book”.

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Type of Medium, Place Published, Publisher, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date, URL


Surname author Initial(s). Title of the chapter. In: Surname editor Initial(s), editor. Book title. Edition if applicable. Place: Publisher; Year. Pages.

In text


In a reference list

2. Carey JR, Zou S. Theories of life span and aging. In: Timiras PS, editor. Physiological basis of aging and geriatrics. 4th ed. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007. p. 55-70.

In EndNote

Add as “Book Section”.

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Editor (use “enter” between each editor if more than one), Book title, Place Published, Publisher, Pages, Edition – if applicable.

In Zotero

Add as "Book Section".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Editor, Book Title, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date, Pages


Surname editor Initial(s), editor. Book title. Edition – if applicable. Place: Publisher; Year.

In text


In a reference list

5. Fermann G, editor. International politics of climate change: key issues and critical actors. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press; 1997.

In EndNote

Add as “Edited Book”.

Fill out the fields: Editor (use “enter” between each editor if more than one), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Edition – if applicable.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Editor, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date


Surname Initial(s). Article title. Title of journal with standard abbreviation. Date of publication;Volume(number):Pages.

In text


In a reference list

3. Kwan I, Mapstone J. Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Accid Anal Prev. 2004;36(3):305-12.

In EndNote

Article from a printed journal: Add as “Journal Article”.

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages.

Article retrieved from the Internet: Add as “Electronic Article”.

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Periodical Title, Volume, Issue, Pages, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Journal article".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Publication, Volume, Issue, Pages, Date, DOI (preferred) or URL


Surname author Initial(s). Title of paper. In: Surname editor Initial(s), editor. Title of the conference. Place: Publisher; Year. Pages.

In text


In a reference list

6. Norvag K. Space-efficient support for temporal text indexing in a document archive context. In: Koch T, Solvberg I, editors. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003. Berlin: Springer; 2003. p. 511-22.

In EndNote

Add as “Book Section”.

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Editor (use “enter” between each editor if more than one), Book Title, Place Published, Publisher, Pages.

In Zotero

Add as "Conference Paper".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Editor, Proceedings Title, Publisher, Date, Pages


Surname Initial(s). Title of article. Title of newspaper. Date:Pages.

In text


In a reference list

7. O'Leary C. Vitamin C does little to prevent winter cold. The West Australian. 2005 Jun 29:1.

In EndNote

Add as “Newspaper article”.

Fill out the fields: Reporter, Year, Title, Newspaper, Issue Date. (Adaption: Use the Issue Date field for: Date:Pages)

In Zotero

Add as "Newspaper Article".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Publication, Date, Pages


Surname Initial(s). Title of dissertation or thesis [type of dissertation/thesis]. Place: Publisher; Year.

In text


In a reference list

8. Hasund IK. The discourse markers like in English and liksom in Norwegian teenage language: a corpus-based, cross-linguistic study [dissertation]. Bergen: University of Bergen; 2003.

In EndNote

Add as “Thesis”.

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Place Published, University, Thesis Type.

In Zotero

Add as "Thesis".

Printed thesis: Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Type, University, Date

Thesis in Archive: Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Type, University, Date, URL, Archive


NOU Year: number. Title. Place: Publisher; Year.

NOU Year: number. Title [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Year [cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

9. NOU 2011: 11. Innovasjon i omsorg [Innovation in care]. Oslo: Departementenes servicesenter, Informasjonsforvaltning; 2011. Norwegian.

When the publication is not in English, add an English translation of the title in square brackets and give the language.

In EndNote

Printed edition: Add as “Book”.

Fill out the fields: Author (add NOU year: number as author with a comma at the end), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher.

Electronic edition: Add as “Web Page”.

Fill out the fields: Author (add NOU year: number as author with a comma at the end), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Type of Medium, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (add NOU year : number), Date, Publisher, URL


Designation number (session). Title. Place: Publisher; Year.

Designation number (session). Title [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Year [cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

10. Meld. St. 29 (2012-2013). Morgendagens omsorg [Future care]. Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet; 2013. Norwegian.

When the publication is not in English, add an English translation of the title in square brackets and give the language.

In EndNote

Printed edition: Add as “Book”.

Fill out the fields: Author (add designation number (session) as author with a comma at the end), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher.

Electronic edition: Add as “Web Page”.

Fill out the fields: Author (add designation number (session) as author with a comma at the end), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Type of Medium, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (White paper number, write it in one field), Publisher, Date, URL

Norwegian law


Title. Date code [cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

11. Lov om straff (straffeloven) [The penal code]. LOV-2005-05-20-28 [cited 2019 May 10]. Available from: Norwegian.

When the publication is not in English, add an English translation of the title in square brackets and give the language.

Use Lovdata to find the law's date code.

In EndNote

Add as “Web Page”.

Fill out the fields: Title (title and date code), Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (write the short title of the law), Edition, Publisher, Date, URL, Accessed


Organization. Standard No. Title of the standard [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Year [cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

12. International Organization for Standardization. ISO Standard No. 10821. Industrial sewing machines — Safety requirements for sewing machines, units and systems [Internet]. Geneva: ISO; 2005 [cited 2015 May 20]. Available from:

In EndNote

Add as “Web Page”.

Fill out the fields: Author (with a comma after the name of the organization), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Type of Medium, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Report".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Report number, Institution, Date, URL, Accessed


Surname inventor Initial(s), inventor; Name of assignee, assignee. Title of patent. Country/region patent number. Date issued.

In text


In a reference list

21. Anders K, Fox JR, Harpur LS, Dunne J, inventors; International Business Machines Corp, assignee. Social media toxicity analysis. United States patent US 11,138,237. 2021 Oct 5.

In EndNote

Add as “Patent”.

Fill out the fields: Inventor (use “enter” between each inventor if more than one), Assignee, Title, Country, Patent Number, Date.


Surname Initial(s). Title of the report. Place: Publisher; Date of publication. Report No.

Surname Initial(s). Title of the report [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Date of publication [cited date]. Report No. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

13. Linnell JD, Kovtun E, Rouart I. Wolf attacks on humans: an update for 2002–2020 [Internet]. Trondheim: Norwegian Institute for Nature Research; 2021 Jan [cited 2021 May 10]. NINA Report 1944. Available from:

In EndNote

Printed report: Add as “Report”.

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title, Place Published, Institution, Report Number.

Retrieved from the Internet: Add as “Web Page”.

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Type of Medium, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL. (Adaption: Use the Title field for: Title. Report No.)

In Zotero

Add as "Report".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Report number, Institution, Date, URL


Surname Initial(s). Title [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Date of publication [updated date; cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

14. Peterson SM. 5 ways to sleep more soundly [Internet]. [Rochester (MN)]: Mayo Clinic; 2016 Dec 8 [cited 2018 May 10]. Available from:

In EndNote

Add as “Web Page”.

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Last Update Date, Type of Medium, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Web Page".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Website Title, Date, URL, Accessed


Organization or Institution. Title [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Date of publication [updated date; cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

15. Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Advice about influenza prevention and vaccine [Internet]. Oslo: Norwegian Institute of Public Health; 2013 Nov 15 [updated 2016 Apr 18; cited 2018 May 10]. Available from:

In EndNote

Add as “Web Page”.

Fill out the fields: Author (with a comma after the name of the organization or institution), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Last Update Date, Type of Medium, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Web Page".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (Name of the organization), Website Title, Date, URL, Accessed


Title [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Date of publication [updated date; cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

16. [Internet]. Chicago: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; c2017 [cited 2017 May 27]. Available from:

In EndNote

Add as “Web Page”.

Fill out the fields: Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Last Update Date, Type of Medium, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Web Page".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (Name of the organization), Website Title Date, URL, Accessed

Entry (article) with an identified author: See example book chapter.


Entry (article) without an identified author:

Surname Initial(s). Title of the encyclopedia. Edition – if applicable. Place: Publisher; Year. Title of the entry; pages.

Surname Initial(s). Title of the encyclopedia [Internet]. Edition – if applicable. Place: Publisher; Year. Title of the entry; [cited date]; pages. Available from: http://...

In text



In a reference list

17. Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary. 32nd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2012. Filamin; p. 675.

19. Dorland’s illustrated medical dictionary [Internet]. 32nd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2012. Acanthocyte; [cited 2013 May 18]; p. 9. Available from: http://...

In EndNote

Printed encyclopedia: Add as "Dictionary".

Fill out the fields: Year, Title, Dictionary Title, Place Published, Publisher, Pages, Edition - if applicable.

Online encyclopedia: Add as "Web Page".

Fill out the fields: Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Type of Medium, Edition - if applicable. Year Cited, Date Cited, URL. (Adaption: Use the Year field for: Year. Title of the entry; pages)

In Zotero

Add as "Encyclopedia Article".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Editor (if applicable), Encyclopedia, Edition (if applicable), Publisher (if applicable), Pages (if applicable), Date, URL


Surname Initial(s). Title of the blog [Internet]. Place: Publisher. Date of publication. Title of the blog post; Date of publication of blog post [cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

18. Sigurdsson AF. Doc's Opinion [Internet]. [Kopavogur]: Axel F. Sigurdsson. 2012 - . The health risks of being a flight attendant; 2019 Aug 19 [cited 2020 May 10]. Available from:

In EndNote

Add as "Blog".

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title of WebLog, Place Published, Publisher, Access Year, Access Date, URL. (Adaption: Use the Year field for: Date of publication. Title of the blog post; Date of publication of blog post)

In Zotero

Add as "Blog Post".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Blog Title, Date, URL, Accessed


Surname Initial(s). Title of the software. Version [software]. Place: Publisher; Year [cited date]. Available from: http://...

In text


In a reference list

20. Borenstein M, Hedges L, Higgins J, Rothstein H. Comprehensive meta-analysis. Version 3 [software]. Englewood (NJ): Biostat; 2013 [cited 2017 May 10]. Available from:

In EndNote

Add as "Web Page".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title (title and version), Place Published, Publisher, Type of Medium, Year Cited, Date Cited, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Web Page".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Publisher, Place, Type of Medium, Date, URL, Accessed

Citing a figure or table that is part of another source.

Note: If you do not only want to cite a figure or table but want to reproduce the figure or table in your assignment, you must also consider copyright, and if needed obtain permission from the copyright holder.


Reference to the source the figure/table is part of. Name and number of figure/table from original source, Title of figure/table from original source; page number.

In text



In a reference list

Figure from book:

21. Lashley FR. Clinical genetics in nursing practice. 3rd ed. New York: Springer; c2005. Figure 2.5, Meiosis with two autosomal chromosome pairs; p. 27-8.

Table from journal article:

22. Butany J, Carmichael K, Leong SW, Collins MJ. Coronary artery stents: identification and evaluation. J Clin Pathol. 2005;58(8):795-804. Table 3, Common stent complications; p. 796.

In Zotero

Add as "Artwork".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Medium (type of artwork), Archive, Date, URL (if applicable), Accessed (if applicable)

Example of reference list in Vancouver style

1. Creme P, Lea MR. Writing at university. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press; 2003.

2. Carey JR, Zou S. Theories of life span and aging. In: Timiras PS, editor. Physiological basis of aging and geriatrics. 4th ed. New York: Informa Healthcare; 2007. p. 55-70.

3. Kwan I, Mapstone J. Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Accid Anal Prev. 2004;36(3):305-12.