Chicago B

Chicago B reference style (Author-Date)

Chicago reference style is available in two variants:

  • Chicago A - Notes and Bibliography. 
  • Chicago B - Author-Date. 

Current version of the style is Chicago 17th.

About the Chicago B (Author-Date)

The Chicago B style is commonly used in the social sciences. Check which reference style your department recommends before you begin writing your paper.

Reference list

When writing a reference list in the Chicago B style:

  • Sort the list alphabetically by author’s surname.
  • Year of publication should appear immediately after the author's name
  • Include all citations in one list (not divided up into books, articles, websites, etc.)
  • Start the reference list on a new page. Use “Reference list” or “Literature list” as the heading.
  • Referansene skal ha innrykk i referanselista (kun forfatternavnet skal stå ut mot margen)
  • If there are 4 authors or more in an article, only write the first author’s surname along with “et al.” when referencing in-text (e.g. Cheng et al.). In the literature list, write up to ten authors. If a reference has more than ten authors, only write the seven first author’s, followed by “et al.”.
  • Use italics for
    • Titles of journals
    • Book titles
  • With secondary references, include both sources in the reference list.

Personal communication in Chicago style

In the Chicago style, personal communications should not be included in the reference list, if the information is not recoverable. Personal communications are conversations, emails, phone calls, etc. Remember to ask for permission from the communicator before citing him/her. You can cite personal communications in the text. You should include the name and title of your conversation partner, the date of communication and the context in which the communication took place.

ChatGPT and artificial intelligence

Please make sure that you follow guidelines on permitted aids. Be aware that ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools are not always allowed at exams and other papers etc. Please check the guidelines for your faculty/ institute. 

The Chicago styles recommends that references to ChatGPT and other similar services are treated the same way as personal communication. Personal communication and text generated by large language models cannot be reproduced or found, and they should therefore not appear in the reference list. 

The Chicago style in-text

When using the Chicago style in-text:

  • When there are four or more authors, write only the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” when referencing in-text (e.g. Cheng et al.)
  • When using secondary references, name both sources in-text: Johnson and Peters’ studies (1939, cited in Wagner 1982, 207)
  • To distinguish multiple publications by the same author published the same year, write a, b, c, etc. after the year: Hansen (1988a) and Hansen (1988b)
  • When a work has no identifiable author, write the title.
  • Publications with many authors who are cited more than once
    • 2 or 3 authors: write both authors’ names every time you cite them. Example: (Furseth and Everett 1997), (Reve, Lensberg and Grønhaug 1992)
    • 4 or more authors: only write the surname of the first author followed by et al. Example: Cheng et al. (2004)
  • Use page numbers when:
    • if you use ideas from a specific page/specific pages in a work


Eksempel henvisning

Example of references

Researchers such as Warwick (1992), Alt and King (1994) and Warwick and Easton (1992) found that…



Quotations should be clearly marked in the text. Short quotations should be integrated in-text and marked with quotation marks. Quotations longer than one sentence should be in a separate indented paragraph, without quotation marks. The name of the author, year of publication and page number are written in brackets following the quotation.

Eksempel sitater

Examples of quotations

  • Short quotation: “Sitering vil si ordrett gjengivelse av andres arbeider.” (Stene, 1999, 125).
  • The name of the author is integrated in the paragraph: Stene (1999) defines quoting as: “Sitering vil si ordrett gjengivelse av andres arbeider. Da skal det være ordrett, og ikke misbrukt i forhold til den sammenhengen sitatet brukes i” (125).
  • Source with 2-3 authors: "Ved direkte sitater skal henvisningen gi informasjon om forfatter, årstall og sidetall" (Furseth and Everett 1997, 141).
  • Source with 4 or more authors: (Wakefield et al. 1998).

Indirect citation - Paraphrases

Indirect quotations - Paraphrases

A paraphrase is a reformulation of the original text.

Eksempel indirekte sitat

Example of Indirect quotation

Furseth and Everett (1997) maintain that the primary reason behind use of references and bibliographies is the ideal of research as a collective endeavour. Research should be verifiable, and those reading your work should be able to find those sources your material is based upon (142).

Mer om Chicago B

More on the Chicago B style

Information on how you write references in-text and in a reference list with the Chicago style is gathered from the Chicago Manual of Style. Remember to use VPN if you are not on campus.

Chicago B - eksempler

Chicago B - examples

The example shows you how to write references in-text and in a reference list. It also shows you which kind of reference to choose when using EndNote or Zotero.

More information and more examples can be found in The Chicago Manual of Style, (remember VPN if you are not on campus). The examples are based on Chicago version 17.

Download the Norwegian Translation of the Chicago B style for EndNote.

Chicago B - examples

Structure/template printed book

One author: 

  • Surname, First name. Year. Title of the book in italics. Edition (if applicable). Place: Publisher.

Multiple authors:

  • Surname, First name and First name Surname. Year. Title of the book in italics. Edition (if applicable). Place: Publisher.

Structure/template e-book

If it is an e-book, the URL, DOI or database name should be included. Evt. format if applicable.

  • Surname, First name. Year. Title of the book in italics. Edition (if applicable). Place: Publisher. URL/DOI/database/format.

In text

One author:

(Fedorak 2000)

Multiple authors:

(Dybvig og Dybvig 2003, 50)

In a reference list printed book

One author:

  • Fedorak, Shirley. 2000. Popular culture: the culture of everyday life. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Multiple authors:

  • Dybvig, Dagfinn D. og Magne Dybvig. 2003. Det tenkende mennesket: filosofi- og vitenskapshistorie med vitenskapsteori. 2. ed. Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag.

In a reference list e-book

  • Cheetham, Mark. Landscape into Eco Art: Articulations of Nature Since the ’60s. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2018. EBSCOhost Ebook Super Collection - Austria.

In EndNote

Book: Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Author (trykk "enter" mellom hvert navn hvis flere), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher

E-book: Add as "Electronic Book".

Fill out the fields: Author (trykk "enter" mellom hvert navn hvis flere), Year, Title, URL.

In Zotero

Book: Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date


Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date, URL


  • Surname author, First name author. Year. "Title of chapter." In Title of the book in italics, edited by First name editor Surname editor, pages. Edition. Place: Publisher.

In text

(Thorsrud og Emery 2015)

In a reference list

  • Thorsrud, Einar og Fred E. Emery. 2015. "Feltforsøk i bedriftslivet som ledd i samarbeidsprosjektet." I Veivisere i norsk organisasjonsforskning: organisasjonsfaglig kanon, edited by Jan Erik Karlsen, 88-103. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

In EndNote

Add as "Book Section".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Editor (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Book title, Place published, Publisher, Pages.

In Zotero

Add as Book Section.

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Editor, Booktitle, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date, Pages.


  • Surname, First name, ed. Year. Title of the book in italics. Edition (if applicable). Place: Publisher.

In text

(Fermann 1997)

In a reference list

  • Fermann, Gunnar, red. 1997. International politics of climate change: key issues and critical actors. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

In EndNote

Add as "Edited Book".

Fill out the fields: Editor (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Place published, Publisher.

In Zotero

Add as Book.

Fill out the fields: Title, Editor, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date

The DOI should be included if it is an electronic article. DOI should be written . Add the URL or the database name if there is no DOI.


  • Surname, First name. Year. "Title of the Article." Title of the Journal in italics, volume (issue): pages. DOI.

If you can't find the DOI in the Journal Article, write the URL:

  • Surname, First name. Year. "Title of the Article." Title of the Journal in italics, volume (issue): pages. Accessed date. URL.

In text

(Kwan og Mapstone 2004, 309)

In a reference list

  • Kwan, Irene, og James Mapstone. "Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials." Accident Analysis & Prevention 36, nr. 3 (2004): 305-12.

In EndNote

Article from a printed journal: Add as "Journal Article". 

Article from the Internet: Add as "Electronic Article".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages, DOI (or URL if it is from the Internet but DOI is recommended).

In Zotero

Add as Journal Article.

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Publication, Volume, Issue, Pages, Date, DOI (recommended) or URL


Conference paper published in a book: ​​​​​

Treated as a chapter in a book with editor(s).

  • Surname author, First name author. Year. "Title of the Conference Paper." In Title of the book in italics, edited by Book Editor(s), pages. Place: Publisher.

Conference paper published in a journal:

Treated as a Journal Article

The DOI should be included if it is an electronic article. DOI should be written . Add the URL or the database name if there is no DOI.

Unpublished conference paper:

The type of conference paper comes after the title (f. eks. paper or post). Name of the Conference, Place of the Conference, date is included by type. Include URL as well (if applicable).

If it is a unpublished conference contribution it should not be included in the reference list. 

In text

(Nørvåg 2003, 519)

In a reference list

  • Nørvåg, Kjetil. 2003. "Space-Efficient Support for Temporal Text Indexing in a Document Archive Context." I Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003 Trondheim, Norway, August 17-22, 2003 Proceedings, edited by Traugott Koch og Ingeborg Torvik Sølvberg, 511-522. Berlin: Springer.
  • Hjelseth, Arve. "Norway: Inclusion, Exclusion and Modernization". Paper presented at Nordic Football Conference, University of Jyväskylä 11-12. mai 2022.

In EndNote

Is the contribution published in a book? Add as "Book Section".

Is the contribution published in a journal? Add as "Journal Article".

Is the contribution unpublished? Add as "Conference Paper".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Conference Name, Conference Location.

In Zotero

Add as Conference paper.

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Editor, Conference Proceedings Title, Publisher, Date, Pages

If you wish to have newspaper articles in your reference list, you should have the year repeated to avoid mixing different articles. If the newspaper article is unsigned, write the Newspaper Title as author.


  • Surname, First name. Year. "Article Title". Newspaper Title in italics, date, year, pages. Newspaper Title. "Article Title". Date, year, pages.
  • Newspaper Title. "Article Title". Date, year, pages.

In text

(Ringen 2004)

(Adresseavisen 2022)

In a reference list

  • Ringen, Stein. 2004. "La ikke Erna Solberg rasere det lokale folkestyre". Aftenposten, 25 March, 2004.
  • Adresseavisen. 2022. "Ice bygger det tredje mobilnettet". 5 July 2022, 14.

In EndNote

Add as "Newspaper Article".

Fill out the fields: Reports, Year, Title, Newspaper, Pages, og Issue date.

In Zotero

Add as Newspaper Article.

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Publication, Date, Pages



  • Author Name. Year. "Article Title" Name of the Newspaper in italics, date, year. Accessed date. URL.

In text

(Ringen 2004)

In a reference list

  • Ringen, Stein. 2004. "La ikke Erna Solberg rasere det lokale folkestyre", 25. mars, 2004. Accessed 24 November 2016.

In EndNote

Add as "Newspaper Article".

Fill out the fields: Reporter, Year, Title, Newspaper, Pages, Issue date and URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Newspaper article".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Publication, Date, URL, Read


  • Surname, First name. Year. "Title of the dissertation or thesis." Type of dissertation/thesis, Institution.

In text

One author:

(Hasund 2003, 45)

Multiple authors:

(Berg og Kornstad 2013, 34)

In a referene list

One author:

  • Hasund, Ingrid Kristine. 2003. "The discourse markers like in English and liksom in Norwegian teenage language: a corpus-based, cross-linguistic study." avhandling, Universitetet i Bergen.

Multiple authors:

  • Berg, Stig Rune og Heming Kornstad. 2013. "Prosjektlederes valg av lederrolle i tverrfaglige prosjekter." Masteroppgave, HiST Handelshøyskolen i Trondheim. Accessed 21 November 2016.

In EndNote

Add as "Thesis".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Place Published, University, Degree (Add the Institution as well).

In Zotero

Add as Thesis

Printed thesis: Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Type, University, Date

Thesis in Archive: Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Type, University, Date, URL, Archive

Official Norwegian report (NOU)


  • Department or selection. Year. Title in italics. Documentnumber (if applicable). Place: Publisher.

In text

(Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet 2010)

(Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet 2013)

(Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet 2016)

In a reference list

  • Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. 2010. Arbeid for helse: Sykefravær og utstøting i helse- og omsorgssektoren. NOU 2010: 13. Oslo: Departementenes servicesenter, Informasjonsforvaltning.
  • Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. 2013. Morgendagens omsorg. Meld. St. 29 (2012–2013). Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet.
  • Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet. 2016. Digital agenda for Norge: IKT for en enklere hverdag og økt produktivitet. Meld. St. 27 (2015-2016). Oslo: Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet. Accessed 20 Oktober 2016. 

In EndNote

Add as "Government Document".

Fill out the fields: Author (add NOU year: number as author with a comma at the end), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (add NOU year : number), Date, Publisher, URL


Reports, pamphlets etc. should be handled as books.

  • Surname, First name. Year. Report Title. Title of the Report Serie and number. Place: Publisher. Access date. URL 

In text

(Bø og Håland 2016)

In a reference list

  • Bø, Tor Petter og Inger Håland. 2016. Funksjonshemma på arbeidsmarknaden i 2016. SSB-rapporter 2016/33. Oslo: SSB. Accessed 2 December 2016. 

In EndNote

From the Internet : add as "Electronic Book"

Printed report. Add as "Book" or "Edited Book".

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title, Secondary title (serietittel for rapporten), Publisher, Volume og URL.

In Zotero

Add as Report.

Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Report number, Institution, Date, URL


With the Chicago style, laws are usually not in the reference list, you only refer them in text. Use the short title instead of full title if it is not essential to have the full title or the sanction date. Be precise; if there are other laws with the same name, write the year.


  • Surname, First name. Year. "Title." Accessed date. URL.

In text

(Fugelsnes 2004)

In a reference list

  • Fugelsnes, Elin. 2004. "Oppvarmet støv kan gi økte helseplager." Accessed 1 April 2004.

In EndNote

Add as: "Web Page"

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title, Last Update Date, Access year, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Web Page".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Website Title, Date, URL, Accessed


  • Person who is responsible/Name of the organization. Year. "Title." Accessed date. URL.

In text

(NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet 2016)

In a reference list

  • NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet. 2016. "Ringve botaniske hage." Accessed 20 Oktober 2016.

In EndNote

Add: "Web Page"

Fill out the fields: Author (Institution name followed by , at the end), Year, Title, Access Date, Access Year, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Web Page".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (Name of the organization), Website Title, Date, URL, Accessed



  • Surname, First name. Year. "Title of the Blog post". Title of the blog in italics, date, year. Accessed date. URL.

In text

(Chaffey 2016)

In a reference list

  • Chaffey, Paul. 2016. "Flere kommuner sier ja". Chaffeys blogg, 24. november, 2016. Accessed 2 December 2016.

In EndNote

Add as: "Blog"

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title of Entry, Access year, Date, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Blog Post".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Blog Title, Date, URL, Accessed

Articles from Encyclopedias are usually not listed in the reference list. It is more common to refer them in text, e.g. According to the Wikipedia article on stock companies, the company board should have at least three members if the stock capital of the company is 3 millions or more.

If it is a signed article from a wellknown encyclopedia (e.g. SNL), you may write the reference as you would a chapter from a book with editors.


If you wish to add articles from encyclopedias to the reference list, follow this template:

Printed encyclopedia:

Without an author:

  • Encyclopedia Title. Year. s.v. "Article Title." Edition. Bind nr. Place: Publisher.

With an author: 

  • Surname, First name. Year. s.v. "Article Title." In Encyclopedia Title. Place: Publisher.

Online encyclopedia:

  • Surname, First name. Year. "Article Title." In Encyclopedia Title. Publisher. Publishing date or update date (if not available, add the reading date). DOI or stabel URL.

In text

With an author:

(Howitt 1987)

In a reference list

With an author: 

  • Howitt, Peter. 1987. "Money illusion." I The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, edited by John Eatwell, Murray Milgate og Peter Newman. London: Macmillan.

In EndNote

Printed encyclopedia: Add as "Dictionary".

Fill out the fields: Year, Title, Dictionary Title, Place Published, Publisher, Pages, Edition - if applicable.

Online encyclopedia: Add as "Web Page".

Fill out the fields: Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher, Type of Medium, Edition - if applicable. Year Cited, Date Cited, URL. (Adaption: Use the Year field for: Year. Title of the entry; pages)

In Zotero

Add as "Encyclopedia Article".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Editor (if applicable), Encyclopedia, Edition (if applicable), Publisher (if applicable), Pages (if applicable), Date, URL

Example of a reference list in Chicago B style:

  • Bø, Tor Petter og Inger Håland. 2016. Funksjonshemma på arbeidsmarknaden i 2016. SSB-rapporter 2016/33. Oslo:SSB. Accessed 2 December 2016.
  • Chaffey, Paul. 2016. "Flere kommuner sier ja". Chaffeys blogg, 24. november, 2016. Accessed 2 December 2016.
  • Dybvig, Dagfinn D. og Magne Dybvig. 2003. Det tenkende mennesket: filosofi- og vitenskapshistorie med vitenskapsteori. 2. utg. Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag.
  • Fedorak, Shirley. 2000. Popular culture: the culture of everyday life. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Fugelsnes, Elin. 2004. "Oppvarmet støv kan gi økte helseplager." Accessed 1 April 2004.
  • Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. 2010. Arbeid for helse: Sykefravær og utstøting i helse- og omsorgssektoren. NOU 2010: 13. Oslo: Departementenes servicesenter, Informasjonsforvaltning.
  • Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. 2013. Morgendagens omsorg. Meld. St. 29 (2012–2013). Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet.
  • Knudsen, Gudmund. 2011. Aksjeselskap, Store Norske Leksikon. Accessed 12 November 2012.
  • Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet. 2016. Digital agenda for Norge: IKT for en enklere hverdag og økt produktivitet. Meld. St. 27 (2015-2016). Oslo: Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet. Accessed 20 October 2016.
  • Kwan, Irene og James Mapstone. 2004. "Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials." Accident Analysis & Prevention, 36(3): 305-312. doi: 10.1016/S0001-4575(03)00008-3.
  • NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet. 2016. "Ringve botaniske hage." Hentet 20. oktober 2016.
  • Nørvåg, Kjetil. 2003. "Space-Efficient Support for Temporal Text Indexing in a Document ArchiveContext." I Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003 Trondheim, Norway, August 17-22, 2003 Proceedings, redigert av Traugott Koch og Ingeborg Torvik Sølvberg, 511-522. Berlin: Springer.
  • Ringen, Stein. 2004. "La ikke Erna Solberg rasere det lokale folkestyre", 25. mars, 2004. Accessed 24 November 2016.
  • Thorsrud, Einar og Fred E. Emery. 2015. «Feltforsøk i bedriftslivet som ledd i samarbeidsprosjektet.» I Veivisere i norsk organisasjonsforskning: organisasjonsfaglig kanon, redigert av Jan Erik Karlsen, 88-103. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
  • Wikipedia, s.v. "Bedriftsøkonomi". Accessed 20 November 2016,økonomi.