
The Harvard style

The Harvard style is used in the social sciences, technology and natural sciences. Check which reference style your department recommends before you begin writing your paper.

Reference list in Harvard style

When writing a reference list in Harvard style:

  • Arrange the list alphabetically by author’s surname
  • Sort the Swedish letters ä - ö - å like you sort the Norwegian letters æ - ø - å
  • Start the reference list on a new page. Use “Reference list” or “Literature list” as the heading.
  • Include the edition if it is specified in the publication. You need not add the date of printing if this is just a reprint of the current edition. If it is the first edition, do not write the edition.
  • If a reference has more than 3 authors, only write the first author’s surname followed by “et al.”

Personal communication in Harvard style

In the Harvard style, personal communication should not be included in the reference list, if the information cannot be gathered again. Personal communications are conversations, e-mails, phone calls, etc. Remember to ask approval from the partner of the conversation before citing him/her.

You can cite personal communication in the text. You should include the name and title of your conversation partner, the date of communication and the context in which the communication took place.

The Harvard style in-text

When using the Harvard style in-text, you must remember:

  • If a reference has more than 3 authors, only write the first author’s surname followed by “et al.
  • Multiple publications by the same author published the same year are distinguished by a, b, c etc. after the year: Hansen (1988a) and Hansen (1988b).
  • If you refer to two or more publications at the same time, sort the publications in chronological order with the earliest first. Example: (Hansen, 1988a; Olsen, 2001)
  • When a work has no identifiable author, use the title. Example: (Et enklere og mer rettferdig inntektssystem, 1996)
  • When a work has no identifiable release date, use no date. Example: (Trondheim kunstmuseum, no date).
  • When using secondary sources, name your source and cite the secondary reference. Example: Johnson and Peters’ studies (1970, as cited in Wagner, 1982)…
  • Use page numbers when:
    • it is a direct quote
    • if you use ideas from a specific page/specific pages in a work
  • When quoting a web page, use the paragraph number to help the reader locate where in the text the quote is from. Example: (Fuglesnes, 2004, para. 4).


Example: Researchers such as Warwick (1992), Taylor and Smith (1994) and King et al. (1997) found that…


Direct quotations shorter than 2-3 lines are integrated in the text and are clearly marked with quotes. Quotations longer than 2-3 lines should be in a separate indented paragraph, without quotes.

Eksempel - sitat

Short quotation:

“Sitering vil si ordrett gjengivelse av andres arbeider. Da skal det være ordrett, og ikke misbrukt i forhold til den sammenheng sitatet brukes i” (Stene, 1999, p. 125).

The name of the author is integrated in the paragraph:

Stene (1999, p. 125) defines quoting as: “Sitering vil si ordrett gjengivelse av andres arbeider. Da skal det være ordrett, og ikke misbrukt i forhold til den sammenhengen sitatet brukes i”.

Source with many authors:

“Ved direkte sitater skal henvisningen gi informasjon om forfatter, årstall og sidetall” (Furseth and Everett, 1997, p. 141).

Mer om Harvard

Indirect quotations - paraphrases

A paraphrase is a reformulation of the original text.

Eksempel - Indirekte sitater


Furseth and Everett (1997) maintain that the primary reason behind the use of references and bibliographies is the ideal of research as a collective endeavour. Research should be verifiable, and those reading your work should be able to find those sources your material is based upon.

Mer om Harvard - stilen

More on the Harvard style

There is no official manual for the Harvard style. Information on how you write references in-text and in a reference list with the Harvard style is based on Pears and Shields (2022).


Pears, R. og Shields, G. (2022) Cite them right : the essential referencing guide. 12. ed. London: Palgrave.

Examples - Harvard

Harvard - examples

The example shows you how to write references in-text and in a reference list. It also shows you which kind of reference to choose when using EndNote or Zotero.

Choose a source you want to see an example of.

Using Zotero? choose the style "Cite them right - Harvard"

Harvard - toggles


Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Book title in italics. Edition - if available. Place: Publisher.

In text

One author:

(Singh, 2010)

(Singh, 2010, p. 20)

Many authors:

(Dybvig og Dybvig, 2003)

(Dybvig og Dybvig, 2003, p. 79)

In a reference list

One author

Singh, J.P. (2010) Globalized arts: The entertainment economy and cultural identity. Columbia: Columbia University Press.

Many authors

Dybvig, D.D. og Dybvig, M. (2003) Det tenkende mennesket: filosofi- og vitenskapshistorie med vitenskapsteori. 2nd ed. Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag.

In EndNote

Book: Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Author (use "enter" in between each author if others), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher.

E-book: Add as "Electronic Book".

Fill out the fields: Author (use "enter" in between each author if others), Year, Title, URL.

In Zotero

Book: Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Edition (if applicable), Place, Publisher, Date

If it is an e-book, write the link in the field URL



Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Title of chapter, in Surname of the editor(s), Initial(s) (ed.) Book title in italics. Edition. Place: Publisher, Page.

In text

(Carey og Zou, 2007)

In a reference list

Carey, J.R. og Zou, S. (2007) Theories of life span and aging, i Timiras, P.S. (red.) Physiological basis of aging and geriatrics. 4th edn. New York: Informa Healthcare, pp. 55-70.

In EndNote

Add as "Book Section".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” in between each author if others), Year, Title, Editor (use “enter” in between each author if others), Book title, Place published, Publisher, Pages.

In Zotero

Add as "Book Section".

Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Editor, Book Title, Edition (if applicable), Place, Publisher, Date, Pages.


Surname of editor, Initial(s). (ed.) (Year) Book title in italics. Edition – if available. Place: Publisher.

In text

(Fermann, 1997)

In a reference list

Fermann, G. (red.) (1997) International politics of climate change: key issues and critical actors. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

In EndNote

Add as "Book Edited book".

Fill out the fields: Editor (use “enter” in between each author if others), Year, Title, Place published, Publisher.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Editor, Edition (if applicable), Place, Publisher, Date


Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Book title in italics. Translated from the original title by Initial(s). Surname for the translator(s). Edition - if available. Place: Publisher.

In text

(Travelbee, 2010)

(Travelbee, 2010, p. 20)

In a reference list

Travelbee, J. (2010) Mellemmenneskelige aspekter i sygepleje. Oversatt fra Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing av A. E. Overgaard og A. Schou. 2 ed. København: Munksgaard.

In EndNote

Book: Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” in between each author if others), Year, Title, Translator (original title and the name for the translator(s) and a comma), Place Published, Publisher.

E-book: Add as "Electronic Book".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” in between each author if others), Year, Title, Translator (original title and the name for the translator(s) and a comma), Place Published, Publisher, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Translator, Edition (if applicable), Place, Publisher, Date


Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Article title, Title of journal in italics, volume(number), page. doi (if applicable)

If the journal article is only available electronically and does not have a doi, write the URL:

Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Article title, Title of journal in italics, volume(number), page. Available at: URL (Accessed: date)

In text

(Kwan og Mapstone, 2004)

In a reference list

Kwan, I. og Mapstone, J. (2004) Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 36(3), pp. 305-312. doi: 10.1016/S0001-4575(03)00008-3

In EndNote

Article from a printed journal: Add as “Journal article”.

Article retrieved from the Internet: Add as “Electronic article”.

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” in between each author if others), Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages, Doi (or URL if retrieved from the Internet, but preferably DOI).

In Zotero

Add as "Journal Article".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Publication, Volume, Issue, Pages, Date, DOI (preferred) or URL


Surname, Initial(s). (Year of Publication) Title of paper, Title of the conference in italics. Place and date of the conference. Place published: Publisher, Page.

In text

(Nørvåg, 2003)

In a reference list

Nørvåg, K. (2003) Space-Efficient Support for Temporal Text Indexing in a Document Archive Context, Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003. Trondheim, 17.-22. august, 2003. Berlin: Springer, pp. 511-522.

In EndNote

Add as "Conference Paper".

Fill out the fields: Author (use "enter" in between each author if others), Year, Title, Conference Name, Conference Location.

In Zotero

Add as "Conference Paper".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Date, Proceedings Title, Conference Name, Place, Publisher, Pages, URL (if applicable), Accessed (if applicable).


Surname, Initial(s). Year. Title of lecture, Title of the course in italics. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(Berg, 2016)

In a reference list

Berg, T. 2016. Investeringsanalyse. BØA1100 Bedriftsøkonomi med regnskap. Available at: https://ntnu.blackboard.com (Accessed: 5 April 2016)

Personal communication

To refer to something that has been said in a lecture (not written in handout or powerpoint) it becomes like other personal communication. You can refer to personal communication in the text. You should include the name and title / role of the professor, date of communication and the context in which the communication took place.

In Zotero

Add as "Web page".

Fill out the field: Title, Author, Website Title, Date, URL, Accessed.


Surname, Initial(s) (Yeas) Article Title, Newspaper Title in italic, date, pages.

In text

(Ringen, 2004)

In a reference list

Ringen, S. (2004) La ikke Erna Solberg rasere det lokale folkestyre, Aftenposten, March 25, p. 10.

In EndNote

Add as "Newspaper article".

Fill out the fields: Reporter, Year, Title, Newspaper, Pages, Issue date.

In Zotero

Add as "Newspaper Article".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Publication, Date, Pages


Surname, Initial(s) (Year) Article Title, Newspaper Title in italic. Tilgjengelig fra: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(Ringen, 2004)

In a reference list

Ringen, S. (2004) La ikke Erna Solberg rasere det lokale folkestyre, Aftenposten.no. Available at: http://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/kronikk/La-ikke-Erna-Solberg-rasere-det-lokale-folkestyre-512300b.html (Accessed: 24 November 2016).

In EndNote

Add as "Newspaper article".

Fill out the fields: Reporter, Year, Title, Newspaper, Pages, Issue date, URL og Access date.

In Zotero

Add as "Newspaper article".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Publication, Date, URL, Read


Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Thesis Title in italic. Type of thesis. Institution.

In text

One author:

(Hasund, 2003)

Many authors and accessible online:

(Berg og Kornstad, 2013, s. 34)

In a referencelist

One author:

Hasund, I.K. (2003) The discourse markers like in English and liksom in Norwegian teenage language: a corpus-based, cross-linguistic study. Dr.art. avhandling. Universitetet i Bergen.

Many authors and accessible online:

Berg, S.R. og Kornstad, H. (2013) Prosjektlederes valg av lederrolle i tverrfaglige prosjekter. Masteroppgave. HiST Handelshøyskolen i Trondheim. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/148928 (Accessed: 21 November 2016).

In EndNote

Add as "Thesis".

Fill out the fields: Author (trykk "enter" mellom hvert navn hvis flere), Year, Title, Place Published, University, Thesis Type.

In Zotero

Add as "Thesis".

Printed thesis: Fill out the field: Title, Author, Type, University, Place, Date

Thesis in a archive: Fill out the field: Title, Author, Type, University, Place, Date, URL, Archive, Accessed



NOU year: number (Year) Title in italic. Place: Publisher.

In text

(NOU 2010: 13)

In a referencelist

NOU 2010: 13 (2010) Arbeid for helse: Sykefravær og utstøting i helse- og omsorgssektoren. Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet.

In EndNote

Add as "Government document".

Fill out the fields: Author (NOU-number with a , at the end), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (write NOU year: number), Date, Place, Publisher


Meld. St. number (section) (Year) Title of the white paper in italic. Place: Publisher.

St.meld. number (section) (Year) Title of the white paper in italic. Place: Publisher.

In text

(Meld. St. 29 (2012–2013))

(St.meld. 30 (2008-2009))

In a reference list

Meld. St. 29 (2012–2013) (2013) Morgendagens omsorg. Oslo: Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet.

Meld. St. 27 (2015-2016) (2016) Digital agenda for Norge: IKT for en enklere hverdag og økt produktivitet. Oslo: Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet. Available at: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/meld.-st.-27-20152016/id2483795/ (Accessed: 20 Oktober 2016).

St.meld. 30 (2008-2009) (2009) Klima for forskning. Oslo: Kunnskapsdepartementet.

In EndNote

Add as "Government document".

Fill out the fields: Author (St. meld nr. with a , at the end), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (Document number, write everything in one field), Place, Publisher, Date



Printed material:

Short Title (Year) Full title in italic.

Electronic material: 

Short Title (Year) Full title in italic. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text - Law

(Universitets- og høyskoleloven, 2005)

In text - Regulation

(Forskrift til opplæringslova, 2006)

In a reference list - law

Universitets- og høyskoleloven (2005) Lov om universiteter og høyskoler. Available at: https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2005-04-01-15 (Accessed: 21 November 2016).

In a reference list - regulation

Forskrift til opplæringslova (2006) Forskrift til lov om grunnskolen og den vidaregåande opplæringa (opplæringslova). Available at: https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2006-06-23-724 (Accessed: 6 March 2020).

In EndNote

Printed sources:

Add as "Government document".

Fill out the fields: Author (short title of the law), Year, Title (full title of the law).

From the web:

Add as: "Web page"

Fill out the fields: Author (Short Title of the Law), Year, Title (Full title of the law), Access Date og Access Year, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (write the short title of the law), Date, URL, Accessed



Name of the authorized organization (Year) Number and title of the standard in italics. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(Standard Norge, 2002)

(SINTEF Byggforsk, 2017)

In a referanselista

Standard Norge (2002) NS-EN 12216 Solskjerming: terminologi, benevnelser og definisjoner. Available at: https://www.standard.no/no/Nettbutikk/produktkatalogen/Produktpresentasjon/?ProductID=136486 (Accessed: 30 March 2017).

SINTEF Byggforsk (2017) 733.109 Forbedring av lydisolasjonen til eksisterende vinduer. Available at: https://www.byggforsk.no/dokument/3257/forbedring_av_lydisolasjonen_til_eksisterende_vinduer (Accessed: 30 March 2017).

In EndNote

Add as "Web page".

Fill out the fields: Author (institution name must be followed by , to avoid inverting), Year, Title, Access Date, Access Year, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Report".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Report number, Institution, Date, URL, Accessed



Surname inventor, Initial(s). (Year of publication) Title of patent in italics. Authorising organisation Patent no. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(Padley, 2012)

In a reference list

Padley, S. (2012) Radiator isolating valve. UK Intellectual Property Office Patent no. GB2463069. Available at: https://www.ipo.gov.uk/p-find-publication (Accessed: 15 April 2022).

In EndNote

Add as “Patent”.

Fill out the fields: Inventor (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Issuing Organization (with a comma after the name of the organization), Patent Number, URL, Access Date.


Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Report Title in italic. (Report serie report number). Place: Publisher. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

If the report does not have a report number and it is published online, you can use the example for webpage.

In text

(Kirkeberg, Epland og Normann, 2012)

In a reference list

Kirkeberg, M. I., Epland, J. og Normann, T. M. (2012) Økonomi og levevilkår for ulike lavinntekstgrupper 2011. (SSB-rapport 08/2012). Oslo: SSB. Available at http://www.ssb.no/emner/05/01/rapp_okonomi_levekaar/ (Accessed: 28 November 2012).

In EndNote

Add as "Report" 

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title, Series Title, Report Number, Place Published, Institution, Access Date, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Report".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Raport number, Institution, Date, URL, Accessed



Author (Year) Title in italic. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(Stabell, 2018, paragraph 4)

In a reference list

Stabell, C. (2018) Flere menn i barnehagen styrker barns ferdigheter i skolen. Available at: https://www.ssb.no/forskning/demografi-og-levekaar/levekaar-og-sosial-deltaking/flere-menn-i-barnehagen-styrker-barns-ferdigheter-i-skolen (Accessed: 1 February 2020).

In EndNote

Add as: "Web page"

Fill out the fields: Author (use "enter" between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Access Date, Access Year, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Web page".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Date, URL, Accessed



Organization (Year) Title in italic. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(Oslo Børs, 2017)

In a reference list

Oslo Børs (2017) Regelverk. Available at: https://www.oslobors.no/Oslo-Boers/Regelverk (Accessed: 1 February 2017).

In EndNote

Add as: "Web page"

Fill out the fields: Author (institution name with a , at the end to avoid inverting), Year, Title, Access Date, Access Year, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Web page".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (Organization name), Date, URL, Accessed



Title in italic (Year) Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(Investment scams, 2016)

In a reference list

Investment scams (2016) Available at: https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/scams/investment-scams (Accessed: 20 October 2016).

In EndNote

Legges inn som: "Web page"

Fill out the fields: Year, Title, Access Date, Access Year, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Web page".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author (Organization name), Date, URL, Accessed



With an identified author:

Surname, Initial(s). (Year) The title of the article, Title of the encyclopedia in italics. Available at: URL (Accessed: date year).

Without an identified author:

Title of the article. (Year of publication) Name of the encyclopedia in italics. Available at: (URL) (Accessed: date year).

In text

With an identified author:

(Knudsen, 2011)

Without an identified author:

(Bedriftsøkonomi, 2016)

In a reference list

With an identified author:

Knudsen, G. (2011) Aksjeselskap, Store Norske Leksikon. Available at: http://snl.no/aksjeselskap (Accessed: 15 November 2012).

Without an identified author:

Bedriftsøkonomi. (2016) Wikipedia. Available at: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedriftsøkonomi (Accessed: 20 November 2016).

In EndNote

Printed: Add as: "Encyclopedia"

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title, Editor, Encyclopedia Title, City, Publisher.

With an identified author: Add as: "Electronic Book Section"

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title, Book Title, URL og Access Date.

Without an identified author:

Add as: "Web Page"

Fill out the fields: Author (the title of the article), Year, Title (the name of the encyclopedia), URL.

In Zotero

Printed: Add as "Article in an Encyclopedia or a Dictionary".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Editor (if applicable), Encyclopedia, Edition (if applicable), Place, Publisher, Pages, Date


From the Internet with an identified author: Add as "Website".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Website Title (Title of the Encyclopedia), Date, URL, Accessed


From the Internet without an identified author: Add as "Website".

Fill out the fields: Author (Article Title), Date, Title (Title of the Encyclopedia), URL, Accessed



Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Title of the blog post, Title of the blog in italic, date. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(Chaffey, 2016)

In a reference list

Chaffey, P. (2016) Flere kommuner sier ja, Chaffeys blogg, November 24. Available at: https://paulchaffey.blogspot.no/2016/11/flere-kommuner-sier-ja.html (Accessed: 2 December 2016).

In EndNote

Add as: "Blog"

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title of Entry, Access year, Date, URL.

In Zotero

Add as "Blog post".

Fill out the fields: Title, Author, Blog Title, Date, URL, Accessed


Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Title of the image in italic [medium]. Available at museum/gallery etc., city, inventory number.

In text

(Tidemand, 1845)

In a referencelist

Tidemand, A. (1845) Norsk juleskikk [watercolor]. Available at the National Museum, visual arts collections, Oslo, NG.K&H.B.04476.

In EndNote

Add as: "Artwork"

Fill out the fields: Artist, Year, Title, Description (Write here all information about the museum/gallry etc., city, inventory number), Type of Work

In Zotero

Add as "Artwork".

Fill out the fields: Title, Artist, Medium (type of Artwork), Archive, Date

If the archive does not appear, it must be added manually at the back.


Surname, N. (Year) Title of the image in italic [medium]. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Title of the image in italic (Year) [medium]. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(Pushwagner, 1973-93)

(Nye Moholt 50/50 og gamle Moholt, 2017)

In a reference list

Pushwagner, H. (1973-93). Selvportrett [digitized painting]. Available at: http://www.pushwagner.no/galleri/kunst/SELVPORTRETT (Access: 30. March 2017.)

Nye Moholt 50/50 og gamle Moholt (2017) [digital photography]. Available at: https://arkitektur-n.no/artikler/et-gjennombrudd-for-massivtre (Access: 30. March 2017.)

In EndNote

Add as: "Artwork"

Fill out the fields: Artist, Year, Title, Description (Write here all information about the museum/gallry etc., city, inventory number), Type of Work, URL, Access date

In Zotero

Add as "Kunstverk".

Fill out the fields: Title, Artist, Medium (type of artwork), Archive, Date, URL, Accessed


Film Title in italic (Year) Directed by Name of the director [Movie]. Place: Distributor.

Film Title in italic (Year) Directed by Name of the director [Movie]. Place: Distributor.

In text

(Vertigo, 1958)

(Jeg er Dina, 2002)

In referencelist


Vertigo (1958) Directed by Alfred Hitchcock [Movie]. Hollywood, Calif.: Paramount Pictures.

Film on DVD, Blu-ray or similar:

Jeg er Dina (2002) Directed by Ole Bornedal [DVD]. Oslo: Egmont Entertainment.

In EndNote

Add as "Film or Broadcast".

Fill out the fields: Title, Year Released, Director (Surname, First name with a , at the end), Medium, Country, Distributor.

In Zotero

Must be manually added once you have disconnected your document from Zotero.


Organization/Surname, Initial(s) (Year) Title in italic. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

In text

(NTNU, 2017)

In reference list

NTNU (2017) The Waterpower laboratory since 1917. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCYbmg6T2Rg (Accessed: 24 October 2017).

In EndNote

Add as: "Webpage"

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title, Access Date, Access Year, URL

In Zotero

Add as: "Video Recording".

Fill out the fields: Title, Instructor (Channel Name), Studio (e.g. YouTube), Date, URL, Read



Surname, Initial(s). (Year of release) Title of Podcast Episode, Title of Podcast in italics, Host Site [Podcast]. Date of release. Available at URL (Accessed date).

In text

(Montgomery, 2022)

In a reference list

Montgomery, R. (2022). Flowers for Ora. Untold Legends, BBC [Podcast]. October 12. Available at https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/w13xtvny. (Accessed November 30, 2022).

In EndNote

Add as "Podcast".

Fill out the fields: Author, Year, Title of Podcast, Title of show, Type, URL, Access Date

An AI generated text cannot be recreated by others. Therefore, in your own document, you should explain how you have used the tool and what you entered into the chat. If you have a long answer from the chat, you should consider entering the entire answer as an appendix in your text. 


Rights holder/ company. (Year) Title of software (version) in italics [Large language model]. URL

In-text citation

(OpenAI, 2023)

In the reference list

OpenAI (2023) ChatGPT (22 August 2023) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com

In EndNote

Add as "Dataset"

Fill out these fields: Investigators, Year, Title, Version, Datatype, URL.


In Zotero

Add as "Software"

Fill out these fields: Title, Programmer, Version, Date, System, Company/Publisher (cut publisher if it is the same as programmer (rights holder/company), URL


Please note:

Please note that texts generated by artificial intelligence, for instance in form of large language models, can be in conflict with good ethical practices in academia, and that using these models may raise issues with plagiarism and cheating. Please make sure that your field of study (faculty/ institute etc) allows use of AI generated text before you consider using such a service.


Example of a reference list in Harvard

Bedriftsøkonomi. (2016) Wikipedia. Available at: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bedriftsøkonomi (Accessed: 20 November 2016).

Carey, J.R. and Zou, S. (2007) Theories of life span and aging, in Timiras, P.S. (ed.) Physiological basis of aging and geriatrics. 4th edn. New York: Informa Healthcare, pp. 55-70.

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