Chicago A

Chicago A reference style (Notes and Bibliography)

Chicago referansestil is available in two variants:

  • Chicago A - Notes and Bibliography. 
  • Chicago B - Author-Date

Current version of the style is Chicago 17th.


About the footnote style

Chicago A (footnote style) is commonly used within humanities, e.g., in literature science, historic-philosophical subjects and art history. The style uses numbered footnotes or end notes (1, 2, 3 etc.) to cite sources.  

The sources are usually also added to a corresponding bibliography. The footnote and bibliographical style can contain a wide range of sources, including unusual sources that do not fit the author-date style very well. Another advantage is that the text is not interrupted by bibliographical information. Using notes also gives room to comment on the various references. 



Book titles and journal titles are in italic. Italic is also used for newspaper titles and blogs, films, videogames, materials, and other types. Titles of articles and chapters are enclosed in quotation marks. Quotation marks are generally reserved for the titles of subsections of larger works. 

Text quotes

Short quotations are enclosed in quotation marks, “such as this”. Longer quotations are put in a separate block. Direct quotes should not be enclosed in quotation marks, and they should always start on a new line. They are further separated from the text by indentation from the left (and sometimes from the right). 


The bibliography should have hanging indents, meaning that all lines after the first in each entry are indented. 

Multiple publications by the same author

Use a long line instead for the author’s name, and the publications will be put in alphabetical order, see the example under.

ChatGPT and artificial intelligence

Please make sure that you follow guidelines on permitted aids. Be aware that ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools are not always allowed at exams and other papers etc. Please check the guidelines for your faculty/ institute. 

The Chicago styles recommends that references to ChatGPT and other similar services are treated the same way as personal communication. Personal communication and text generated by large language models cannot be reproduced or found, and they should therefore not appear in the reference list. 



  • Ruud, Even. "Music in therapy: Increasing possibilities for action." Music and arts in action 1, nr. 1 (2008): 46-60.
  • ———. Musikkvitenskap. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2016.

Chicago A - by example

Publications with multiple authors (or editors) 

Two or three authors (or editors) of the same work are listed in the order in which they appear. In the bibliography, only the first author’s name is inverted (Surname, First name), while other names are First name Surname. 

Publications written or edited by four – ten persons usually have all names given in the bibliography. 

Online Sources 

URL or DOI should be included. Reading date as well, especially if it is a source under continuous update or changes.  
If there is a DOI-number, e.g., for a article, it should also be included. DOI should be written:  

Rapports etc. 

Flyers, rapports, pamphlets and other free publications are sorted as books. Author and publisher data may not fit the usual pattern, but sufficient information should be provided to identify the document. 


Chicago recommends The Blue Book: A Uniform System of Citation, published by the Harvard Law Review Association, to cite legal and public documents, statutes, and other government documents. Laws are usually not placed in the bibliography, only in the footnote. See The Chicago Manual of Style for detailed information.  


Information about paintings, photographs, sculptures, or other art is usually presented in the text instead of footnotes or the bibliography. If a note or some other bibliographic information is necessary, write the artist's name, the art title (in italics) and the date/year, followed by information about the art and placement of the art. Eventually add a URL. 

Personal communication 

It is usually cited in the text only or in a note, not in the bibliography.  


References in notes 

To reduce the amount of documentation, subsequent source citations already given in full should be shortened whenever possible. If you include a full bibliography at the end of your document, you should use a shorter format in all notes. 

For publications written or edited by four – ten persons, only the name of the first author is included in the note, followed by “et al.”.   

"Ibid." With repetitive use of the same source is not recommended in this version of Chicago footnote style. "Op. cit." og "loc. cit." are no longer allowed. 

More on the Chicago A

More about the Chicago-style

The information on how to use the Chicago A (footnote style) is based on the Chicago version 17. Du will find more information in The Chicago Manual of Style (2017). NTNU University Library offers the newest edition of the manual to students and employees at NTNU (remember VPN if you are not on campus). 

Chicago A - examples

Chicago A - examples

The example shows you how to write references in-text and in a reference list. It also shows you which kind of reference to choose when using EndNote.

You will find more information and examples in The Chicago Manual of Style, (remember VPN if you are not on campus). The examples are based on the 17th version of Chicago.

Chicago A - toggles

In a reference list


Surname, First name. Title. Edition (if applicable). Place: Publisher, Year.


  • Fedorak, Shirley. Pop Culture: The Culture of Everyday Life. UTP Higher Education. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009. 

Structure e-book

Surname, First name. Title. Edition (if applicable). Place: Publisher, Year. URL/DOI/database/format. 

  • Assis, Paulo de, og Paolo Giudici. Aberrant Nuptials: Deleuze and Artistic Research. Leuven: Leuven University Press 2019. 

If this is an e-book the reader can only access through e.g. a University Library, you might have to write the name of the database instead of the URL.


  • Cheetham, Mark. Landscape into Eco Art: Articulations of Nature Since the ’60s. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2018. EBSCOhost Ebook Super Collection - Austria.

Full reference in note:


nr First name, Surname, Title. Evt. edition. (Place: Publisher, Year), evt. pages.


Shirley Fedorak, Pop Culture: The Culture of Everyday Life (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009), 115. 

Mark Cheetham, Landscape into Eco Art: Articulations of Nature Since the ’60s (University Park: Penn State University Press, 2018), EBSCOhost Ebook Super Collection - Austria. 

Short format in note:


nr Surname, Short title, evt. pages.


Fedorak, Pop Culture: The Culture of Everyday Life, 118. 

Cheetham, Landscape into Eco Art: Articulations of Nature Since the ’60s, 70.

In EndNote:

Print book add as "Book".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher. 

E-book add as "Electronic Book".

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Place Published, Publisher. DOI (if applicable). If the e-book does not have DOI, fill out the URL field with the URL or the name of the database. Format can also be added (if applicable).

In Zotero

Add as “Book”.

Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date

In notes write the specific pages cited. Write the chapter pages in the bibliography. 

In a reference list: 


Surname, First name. "Chapter title". In Book title, edited by First name Surname, pages for the chapter. Place: Publisher, year. 


  • Thorsrud, Einar, og Fred E. Emery. "Feltforsøk i bedriftslivet som ledd i samarbeidsprosjektet." I Veivisere i norsk organisasjonsforskning: organisasjonsfaglig kanon, edited by Jan Erik Karlsen, 88-103. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2015. 

Full reference in note:  


nr First name Surname, "Chapter Title," in Booktitle, ed. First name Surname (Place: Publisher, year), evt. page number. 


1 Einar Thorsrud og Fred E. Emery, "Feltforsøk i bedriftslivet som ledd i samarbeidsprosjektet," i Veivisere i norsk organisasjonsforskning: organisasjonsfaglig kanon, ed. Jan Erik Karlsen (Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2015), 90. 

Short format in note: 


nr Surname, «Short title», evt. pages. 


1 Thorsrud og Emery, "Feltforsøk i bedriftslivet som ledd i samarbeidsprosjektet," 93. 

In EndNote: 

Add as "Book Section". 

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Editor (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Book title, Place published, Publisher, Pages. 

In Zotero

Add as Book Section

Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Editor, Book Title, Edition (if applicable), Publisher, Date, Pages

In notes only write specific cited pages. The bibliography should have page number for the article.

In a reference list: 


Surname, First name. "Article Title". Journal Title Volume, Issue (Publishing date): pages. Evt. DOI. 


  • Kwan, Irene, og James Mapstone. "Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials." Accident Analysis & Prevention 36, nr. 3 (2004): 305-12. 

Full referanse in note: 


nr First name Surname, "Article Title," Journal Title Volume, Issue (Publishing date): pages, evt. DOI. 


1 Irene Kwan og James Mapstone, "Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials," Accident Analysis & Prevention 36, nr. 3 (2004): 306, 

Short format: 


nr Surnametternavn, "Article Title (evt. short)," evt. pages. 


1 Kwan og Mapstone, "Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials," 309. 

In EndNote: 

Article from a printed journal: Add as "Journal article". 

Article from the Internet and Library databases: Add as "Electronic article". 

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, Journal, Volume, Issue, Pages, DOI 

In Zotero

Add as Journal Article.

Fill in the fields: Title, Author, Publication, Volume, Issue, Pages, Date, DOI (preferred) or URL

Includes URL. Also includes publishing date or last change date (last updated). If there is no date, add access/read/retrieved date.

In reference list:


Surname, First name (or institution). Year. "Title". Accessed (or updated) date. URL.

Examples of websites with and without an identified author

  • Fugelsnes, Elin. "Oppvarmet støv kan gi økte helseplager." 2004. Accessed 1 April, 2004,
  • NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet, "Ringve botaniske hage." 2016. Accessed 20 October, 2016,

Full referanse in note: 


nr Surname, first name (or institutions), "Titles." Year, evt. Access date. URL.


1 Elin Fugelsnes, "Oppvarmet støv kan gi økte helseplager," 2004. Accessed 1 April, 2004,

1 NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet, "Ringve botaniske hage," 2016, updated 20 October, 2016,

Short format in note:


nr Surname (or organization), "Title."


1 Fugelsnes, "Oppvarmet støv kan gi økte helseplager."

1 NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet, "Ringve botaniske hage."

In EndNote

Add as: "Web Page"

Fill out the fields: Author (use “enter” between each author if more than one), Year, Title, evt. Last Update Date, evt. Access Date, Access Year, URL.

In Zotero

Add as Web Page.

Please note that the date should be written year, date, month. If the format is wrong, you must manually change the date after the document has been disconnected from Zotero.

Can't find Web Page? Choose something else e.g., a book. When you click the Item Type again, Web Page should appear at the bottom.

Example of a reference list in Chicago A footnote style:

  • Cheetham, Mark. Landscape into Eco Art: Articulations of Nature Since the ’60s. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2018. EBSCOhost Ebook Super Collection - Austria. 
  • Fedorak, Shirley. Pop Culture: The Culture of Everyday Life. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009. 
  • Fugelsnes, Elin. "Oppvarmet støv kan gi økte helseplager." 2004, accessed 1 April, 2004, 
  • Kwan, Irene, og James Mapstone. "Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials." Accident Analysis & Prevention 36, nr. 3 (2004): 305-12. 
  • Ruud, Even. "Music in therapy: Increasing possibilities for action." Music and arts in action 1, nr. 1 (2008): 46-60.
  • ———. Musikkvitenskap. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2016.
  • Thorsrud, Einar, og Fred E.  Emery. "Feltforsøk i bedriftslivet som ledd i samarbeidsprosjektet." I Veivisere i norsk organisasjonsforskning : organisasjonsfaglig kanon, redigert av Jan Erik Karlsen, 88-103. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2015.