
Visitors at NTNU

This page contains useful links and information for visiting researchers and other NTNU visitors and guests. Norsk versjon - Gjest ved NTNU 

Looking for something else? Topic page about New at NTNU | Pages labeled with guest  

Navigating on Campus

Navigation on NTNU's campuses. There is also a useful app for navigating on the Gløshaugen and Øya campus, available for both Android and iPhone, called MazeMap. See MazeMap's website for more information. 

Activate your user account

Do you need a Feide account in order to log on to some NTNU services? Read more about how to do this on this page: Create user account

Picking up your access card

The unit you are visitng should order an access card for you, but you are required to take an ID photo and pick up the card personally. See where and when you can pick up your card.

IT rules and information security

Getting IT support

See the website for IT support.

HSE rules

Health, safety and environment are priorities at NTNU. Read all about it on the HSE at NTNU page.

Intellectual property

Intellectual property (also called immaterial rights) created based on NTNU resources is as a rule owned by NTNU. Read more about intellectual property rights

Using the intranet

A guide to NTNU's new intranet, Innsida 2.0.

Need housing?

This guide might help you find a place to stay.

6549 Visninger