
Guide to Innsida

Terms of Use - Innsida

Information about IT regulations, personal data and cookies when using Innsida, NTNU's intranet.

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NTNU's IT-regulations apply

Use of Innsida is covered by:

Innsida specific information

Profile pages

All students and employees have a profile page in Innsida.

  • Students and PhD students: Student profiles are only visible for other university users who are logged into Innsida. If you have registered your preference (via Studentweb) indicating that you do not wish not to appear in NTNUs intranet search results the information in your Innsida profile will be hidden from other NTNU users as well.
  • Employees: A public version of your employee profile is visible to the public. You control how detailed your profile will be beyond the contact information, publications and organizational information available from other NTNU systems. Only PhD Fellows (stipendiater) who receive their financing directly from NTNU are automatically classified as employees; while PhD Fellows from partner institutions are treated as phd-students. Student assistants (stud.ass. and vit.ass.) will be treated as students.
  • Guests, interns, and affiliated users
    If you ave an NTNU user account and are able to access Innsida as a guest, affiliate or a contractor, your contact details and internal profile page will be available via intranet search for logged-in NTNU users.


Relevant and factual: Comments in Innsida should be relevant and constructive. Offensive comments and photos, including profile photos may be deleted by an administrator.

Visible: When you comment on a post in Innsida, your comments will always include your name and a thumbnail photo from your profile page. As is standard on most web sites, if you comment on a page or post that is publicly visible, your comment and your name will also be publicly visible.

Personal pages

Neither your subscriptions, nor your bookmarks are not accessible to other users. Nevertheless, NTNU reserves the right to remove or disable any message, feed, content, style or bookmark that causes system instability, display errors, or which pose a security risk, including links to file, external RSS-feeds in the message system, as well as images, content or code added to profiles or messages.


Do you have questions about Innsida? Please contact us via NTNU Hjelp.

3203 Visninger

Child Pages (1)

  • How to delete cookies

    Most modern browsers (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Microsoft Edge, etc.) are set to accept cookies automatically. This is a setting you can change. Norsk versjon: Slik...