
The Self-service...

Salary information

Here is an overview of the fields you will find under "Salary information" in the self-service portal.

Norsk: Lønnsinformasjon

Topic page Salary | The Self-service portal

Guides from supplier DFØ

What do the different fields mean?

Unfortunately the fields in Salary information in The Self-service portal is not translated to English. The columns below are from the Norwegian version.

To the right of the employee number and your name, you will find the following sections:

Årsak 0008: If you have had your salary changed, it says what is the reason for the salary change.

Type tariffavtale: Type of collective agreement. Depends on your labour union affiliation. A-regulations apply to members of LO/YS and collective wage is the Academics and non-unionized. See overview of labour unions at NTNU.

Tariffområde: "Spenn" (scale) or "Ramme" (frame), depending on which position code you have.

Tar.grp: Tariff group. Related to tariff area. Scale or frame

LT: "Lønnstrinn" (salary step/level),

Lønnart 0008: Type of salary. for instance. annual salary or individual salary annual amount.

Beløp 0008: Your annual salary

Start 0008: Date of salary change.

Dell.% 0008: Size of position.

Stillingsgruppe betegnelse: Your position code. You will find an overview of the various job codes and designations in

Org. enh. betegnelse: Your unit at NTNU


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