

Order a PC or Mac

Ordering Windows PCs, Mac/Apple computers and monitors. See different models and specifications for laptops, desktops and all-in-one computers at our online store: 


We are now using a new online store for ordering goods which can be ordered with 3 days delivery. The product range will be successively expanded. 

Norsk versjon: Bestille PC og Mac

Go directly to: Mac/accessories | FAQContact and help

Description of services

We want you to know what to expect regarding delivery from the IT Division at NTNU. Our Service level descriptions  will show you the performance level from the different services.

The Service level descriptions will be updated frequently to meet current regulations and quality measures. In this context, the following descriptions will be relevant:

  • Klientdrift: maintenance and disposal of computers bought in accordance with NTNUs regulation
  • Utstyrsbestilling: purchase of computers with related equipment to all employees at NTNU

The IT Divisions Service level descriptions can be found on this page (Norwegian only).

Additional information

We want to deliver a good and stable service for students and employees. A standardized setup will provide good mobility, both physically and organizationally. We therefore offer fast and efficient delivery of equipment when purchasing and safe return of old equipment. Replacement within five years from the date of purchase is strongly recommended. The purpose of the services is to increase efficiency and digital security. 

  • Limited hardware support is provided for computers between 3 and 5 years. Defective parts will not be replaced unless the owner of the unit/machine cover the costs. In case of problems with software or operating system, troubleshooting and possibly re-installation will be carried out. 
  • No support is provided for computers older than 5 years. It's strongly recommended to replace these for functional and safety reasons. Re-installation is not supported, and general performance may be lowered.
  • Computers that changes the area of use, or main user, will have to be reinstalled. 
  • Disposal of old equipment is to be delivered to Campus-IT

Other items - Mac and accessories for PC/Mac

If you want to order PC / Mac, keyboard, mouse, rollermouse, headset, adapter, webcam, cables and other equipment for PC / Mac that you cannot find in the online store, go to the Self Service Portal NTNU Hjelp.


Do I get support for Mac and Linux equipment?

The IT Division offers support for Mac if the device is ordered through NTNU IT. We do not make use of central client operations management for Linux machines, which consequently limits the ability to support these systems. Basic support is offered, but with certain reservations.

Standard delivery: How long does it take?

Delivery of stocked goods from online store is normally delivered within three days after the manager has approved the order.

Normal delivery time for other items is approx. 14 days from factory. Please note that you will need to calculate some additional time for delivery and installation of the equipment.

Can I keep my computer when I finish my job at NTNU?

No. The computer contains software with license terms that require NTNU to be the legal owner of the machine.

Contact and help

Orakel Support Services can help if you have questions or if you encounter difficulties.

See also