
Leave of absence for breastfeeding

On this page, you will find information about the employee`s rights in regards to taking time off work to breastfeed, and the applied procedures for this.

Norsk versjon - Ammepermisjon

Theme site regarding leave of absence

Your rights

All employees who breastfeed their child are entitled to taking time off work until the child turns two years old. If you work full days, you have the right to two hours per day, and if you work between 2/3 and full day, you can take time off up until one hour per day. For employees who have positions with different content, such as research- and lecturing, breastfeeding will influence the two parts proportionally. This means that if one has 20% research and 80% lecturing, 80 % of the breastfeed will be taken from the lecture time and the rest from research time of the position.

From when the child turns 9 months of age, a confirmation from a doctor or a child healthcare center is required.

Inform your leader

In order to make use of ones right to take time off work to breastfeed, the employee needs to inform her immediate leader as soon as possible. In addition, you must send written documentation from the health centre/doctor to the Service Centre for Payroll and HR. The documentation is stored in your personnel folder in the archive system Elements.

PhD candidate, postdoc and research assistant

Contact your local HR employee for any extension of employment in relation to your leave.

Register leave of absence

If you are technically or administratively employed, you register breastfeeding leave every day in the the Self-service portal. Use the type "Breastfeeding leave w/ salary 091" for the time you have off. Register ordinary working hours the rest of the day as "Attendance". (001). Academic staff do not register breastfeeding leave in the Self-service portal, but agree this with their manager.

Guide: Attendance and absence (

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences have their own application for breastfeeding leave

Faculty of Humanities have their own application for breastfeeding leave for *PhD research fellows and Postdoctoral Fellow.*


Contact information

Do you have questions or need help? Contact the service center

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