
Examples of adaptations

Examples of different adaptations for students

Norsk versjon - Eksempler på tilrettelegging

Topic page about special needs accommodation | Pages labeled with special needs

In many cases, you can get answers to your questions about academic adaptations that you need by contacting a student adviser or course teacher in your programme of study. If you need other adaptations, and would like to discuss these, please contact us at the unit for accommodations. Together, we can explore which measures might be the right ones for you. It would be helpful if you could bring documentation of your disability to your first conversation with us.

Mentoring via Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)

This service is primarily offered to students who have educational support through the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV).

The mentor scheme is for students who receive educational support via NAV. The scheme requires that you have a documented need for assistance and assistance during studies. Mentoring is offered in the form of help from a fellow student. The help can be, among other things:

  • Support for study-related challenges
  • Other forms of assistance, which are considered appropriate in each case

Mentor collaboration must not exceed the learning objectives of the programme and the requirement for independent work. The need for a mentor is assessed each semester. Granting a mentor requires that we find a suitable candidate for the assignment. Contact your local NAV office and check whether you are entitled to a mentor scheme. If NAV supports a mentor, please contact NTNU Facilitation who will assist you in the process. If contacted, provide the name of your NAV supervisor.

See the specific information for mentors in the guidelines for granting adaptation services (in Norwegian).

Study assistance

Students who do not qualify for a mentor from NAV, but who nevertheless need assistance, can contact the Disability Office for a mapping interview. An assessment will then be made of the need and which measures can compensate. The measures must be assessed on the basis of available resources and the need will be subject to regular assessment. Requests for assistance are processed continuously, and there is no application deadline. Please note that the student must have a documented need for adaptation.

Accessible study spaces

Accessible study spaces allow you to sit in rooms with fewer students. Some of the study spaces have height-adjustable sit-stand desks. Accessible study spaces can be useful if you need special equipment and aids, if you need greater predictability, or if you have concentration problems and anxiety.

We have accessible spaces at Dragvoll , Gløshaugen, Moholt and Kalvskinnet as well as in Gjøvik. If you need a space in Ålesund, please get in touch directly with Student Services at NTNU in Ålesund.

The deadline for applying is 1 September.

Please note that we have a limited number of study spaces. The assigned space is granted for one academic year at a time.
The application form is here:

NTNU Trondheim: Application form for accessible study space - NTNU Trondheim
NTNU, Gjøvik: Application form for accessible study space - NTNU Gjøvik

See the guidelines for granting adaptations to study spaces (info in Norwegian).

Syllabus in audio format

Having the syllabus available in audio or e-book format can be of great help if you have reading or writing problems, visual impairments or concentration challenges that affect your studies. You can apply for borrowing or production rights at the Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille (NLB).

If the reading list for your syllabus is not available at NLB, the University Library at Dragvoll and the Technology Library at NTNU’s Gløshaugen campus can help you scan your own audio books. Contact us at the disability Office if this is relevant for you.

Aids and assistive technology

If you have a long-term need for aids and assistive technology (more than 2 years), you can contact the NAV Hjelpemiddelsentral (Nav Assistive Technology and Adaptations) in the county where you are registered in Skatteetaten (the National Registry). For short-term needs, you can borrow some equipment from us. You are welcome to contact us so that together we can see if we have anything in stock that you might find useful.

If you have a hearing loss, hearing loops (audio induction loops) and infrared (IR) hearing systems can make it easier for you to hear your lecturer. Some auditoriums and group rooms have IR hearing systems. You can borrow a receiver from Audiovisual (AV) Services for one semester at a time. Please report any problems with the receiver device or the audio system. A list of rooms with IR systems or hearing loops is available here (info in Norwegian).

Lingdys and Lingpilot

Fill in the form on NAV’s website if you have documented dyslexia and need the Lingdys software for reading and writing support (info in Norwegian). If you open the form in its own tab, you can keep this guide available at the same time.

  1. Click “neste” (“next”) in the form “Søknad om hjelpemidler mv. (Application for assistive equipment, etc.) NAV 10-07.03”
  2. Fill in the relevant fields, and click “neste”.
  3. Download “første side til saken din (the cover page for your case)” and “søknad om hjelpemidler mv.”
  4. Print the forms.
  5. Fill in your personal details.
  6. Under Section 5, you can write that you have dyslexia and that Lingdys or Lingpilot (Mac) is a necessary tool for you to complete your education.
  7. Under Section 6, fill in Lingdys and/or Lingdys English or Lingpilot (Mac).
  8. Under Section 8 you can write “NTNU Tilrettelegging” and our email address, which is: Under “ansvar for (responsibility for)”, write “Hire of person to hold a course in LingIT”.
  9. Under Section 9, write your own address under “leveringsadresse (delivery address)”, as well as your name under “kontaktperson (contact person)”, plus your telephone number.

Send your completed form to NAV together with documentation of reading and writing problems (report after assessment).

Video showing completion of the application form to NAV (.mp4) - in Norwegian – goes through the same steps as those mentioned in the bullet list from Section 5 onward.

Assessment of dyslexia

Do you wonder whether you have difficulties in reading and/or writing that are so great that they may indicate dyslexia? Contact us, and we can consider whether an assessment of the problem is needed.

Housing, parking and transport

Sit has several apartments and bedsits for students with disabilities.

You can get help with parking and transportation.

Study abroad

International competence and experience should be available to everyone. Adaptations to the study situation can also be arranged for Norwegian students abroad.

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Målgruppe: Studenter Tema: Tilrettelegging