

Elections at SU

Elections at SU spring 2024

In the spring of 2024 representatives of the temporary academic staff will be elected to the Faculty Board and to the departments’ participatory bodies.

Norsk versjon: Valg ved SU

Candidate presentations

The five nominated candidates have written a little about themselves, their background and what they think are the most important issues. Read their presentations.

Important dates

  • Elections to the Faculty Board will be held on 6 to 8 May
  • Elections to the department’s participatory bodies will be held on 3 to 5 June
  • The deadline for nominating candidates to the Faculty Board is 17 April
  • The deadline for nominating candidates to the department’s participatory bodies is 22 May

Election of representatives of the temporary academic staff takes place annually. The term of office for this election is 1 August 2024 to 30 July 2025.

Temporary academic staff representatives serve for one year at a time, while other members are elected for four years.


To be eligible for election, you must be employed in a temporary academic position corresponding to at least 50 per cent of a full-time equivalent and have started in the position at the time the electoral register was compiled.

  • The employment relationship must last until at least 30 June 2025
  • The candidate must be fluent in written and spoken Norwegian. For more details of the language requirements, see the regulations for elections
  • Check that the candidate is eligible for election in your voter group and your faculty/department. Voting rights, voter groups and constituencies are described in more detail in the regulations for elections

“The benefits of representing temporary staff on NTNU’s boards must be a well-kept secret – because my experience suggests there should be fierce competition for election to this position! I would encourage my fellow temporary employees to stand as candidates this autumn when the opportunity arises!”  

Read the opinion piece Ytring in Universitetsavisa (26 August 2022), written by Unni Soltun Andreassen. Unni is a PhD candidate and served on SU’s Faculty Board. The experience meant so much to her that she later ran as a candidate and was elected as temporary academic staff representative on the NTNU Board. 

More information

  • Terms of office on NTNU boards last four years. The current term started on 1 August 2021 and lasts until 31 July 2025.
  • Representatives of temporary academic staff are elected annually. 
  • One representative of the temporary academic staff and one deputy representative must be elected to the Faculty Board and the departments’ participatory bodies.
  • As a representative of the temporary academic staff on the Faculty Board, you will also be a member of the Appointments Committee (AU) and the Research Committee (FU). The Appointments Committee decides on job descriptions and appointments to the positions of professor, assistant professor and associate professor.


Compensation is provided for elected posts at the faculty and institutes for PhD candidates and postdocs. The main rule is that compensation is given in the form of a paid extension of the employment relationship. For candidates who have remaining required duties, it can alternatively be agreed with the institute that such posts can be included as part of the required duties. Such posts can amount to a maximum of three months of required duties.

For the Faculty Board, the representative receives compensation in the form of a four-week paid extension of their employment contract, while the deputy representative receives compensation in the form of a two-week paid extension of their employment contract. Details and prerequisites for such compensation have been decided and elaborated upon in a separate dean’s decision (Norwegian only).

Regarding the participation bodies of the institutes, NTNU's supplementary guidelines on compensation for elected positions at the faculty and institute for PhD candidates and postdocs apply (Norwegian only). These guidelines recommend two weeks of compensation for elected positions at the faculty and institute levels for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers. Please contact your institute to arrange compensation.

Propose candidates

Do you know someone who could do a good job? It is you, as a voter, who must propose candidates for election.

Send proposals for candidates to State the full name of the candidate and the election for which you are proposing them: The Faculty Board or department’s participatory body. It is possible to stand as a candidate in both elections. 

A proposal for a candidate must be supported by three people. The proposal is submitted by one of the proposers, with copies to the other two. The candidate must also receive a copy. 

To meet the requirements of the election regulations regarding gender balance, there must be at least one candidate of each gender when the election is conducted.

Electoral register

Your voting rights depend on your connection with NTNU on the date that the electoral register is compiled. Each employee is responsible for checking that they are registered with the correct voter group, faculty and department.  

The electoral register for this election was compiled on 20 February, with a deadline for appeals on 6 March. Information about this was announced on Innsida for all employees on 21 February.

You can verify your entry in the electoral register through valgweb.

Election regulations

Elections for the Departments bodies for participation and co-determination are governed by NTNU's election regulations (English translation). The authoritative version in Norwegian.

If you have questions, the Election Board SU will be pleased to answer:

Election Board

The Election Board ensures that elections are conducted pursuant to the Regulations for Elections at NTNU.

  • Associate Professor Anne Iversen, Department of Psychology (IPS)
  • Ph.D Candidate Espen Hektoen, Department of Education and Lifelong Learning (IPL)
  • Ph.D Candidate Bård Smedsvik, Department of Social Work (ISA)

Kenneth T. Kjelsnes, Senior Advisor at the SU Faculty Administration, is the election administrator for the elections at SU.

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