Elections at HF - Kunnskapsbasen
Elections at HF
Information about the elections at the HF Faculty. Information in Norwegian about the Elections can be found here.
- Cast your vote here: https://innsida.ntnu.no/valg/login
- Check the register of voters
On this page you will find the information you need to take part in the elections of temporary academic staff to the Faculty Board for the electoral period 2024-2025.
Important dates for the Faculty Board election:
Elections announced April 5.
Deadline to propose candidates by May 10.
Elections are being held from on May 23-24.
For the Faculty Board, we are electing:
One representative from the category temporary academic staff + one deputy.
Register of voters for the spring elections
The register of voters is generated 20th of February. Log into valgweb and check that you are correctly listed in the register of voters (voter category and Department). You should be listed in the register of voters if you have at least a 50 % position by 20th of February 2024. 6th of March is the deadline for complaints. After that no corrections in the register of voters will be made.
Propose candidates no later than May 10.
The Faculty Board are responsible for establishing goals and strategies for the unit and for setting priorities within the framework laid down in regulations and decisions made at higher levels. The Faculty Board decide on significant matters of principle such as strategy, annual plans, action plans, internal allocation of appropriation and budget, research priorities, programs of study, activity and financial reporting, and internal organization. As a member of the Faculty Board, you can make a difference and have real influence on the strategic development of Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences.
Do you know someone who could do a good job on the Faculty Board? As a voter you may have influence not only as a voter, but also by proposing candidates to the elections. It is the voters who must propose the candidates but ask if they are willing to do so first.
The working language of the Faculty Board is Norwegian. Candidates must master Norwegian sufficiently to understand the documents and actively engage in the deliberations of the Faculty Board.
Proposals must be signed by three staff members from the same group of voters (permanent academic staff, temporary academic staff or technical and administrative staff). Candidates should be asked if they are willing to stand for elections. Proposals should be sent to valg@hf.ntnu.no on May 10 the latest.
Please use this form to propose candidates. Remember to copy the proposers when the candidate proposal is sent by email.