
Copyright for teachers

As a teacher, what are you allowed to present as part of your courses, and what are you not allowed to do? The NTNU University Library provides guidelines and information about what you need to keep in mind. On this page, you can read about how teachers must relate to copyright protection on the works of others.

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Library services for students | Library services for employees

Teaching programmes and materials

Your own material

NTNU’s policy for the protection and management of intellectual property rights and physical material.

Coursepacks (compendia)

NTNU's policy says that compendiums should be offered to students in digital form. When the compendium has at least one book chapter for the students in the same subject and semester, it has to get a clearance.

NTNU will make the clearance and create digital coursepacks via the Bolk coursepack service, according to the Kopinor agreement. This will produce digital compendiums in pdf format which will be sent to the lecturer that makes it available in the e-learning system (from 2017: Blackboard). The NTNU University Library will be responsible for the clearance and production of digital compendia. This applies to the entire NTNU including Ålesund, Gjøvik and former HiST.

The digital files are made available and free of charge for the students taking the associated class. Students can choose whether to read the content on screen or print it. NTNU's agreement with Akademika AS on the production and sale of printed compendiums expired the spring semester 2016 and is not renewed.

Blackboard (e-learning platform)

  • Articles from e-journals to which the library subscribes can be linked via Blackboard
  • Articles from printed articles must be scanned and uploaded to Blackboard.


If you use someone else’s material (images and/or other material), you must have permission from the copyright holder before you post it on the Internet. The author must also be named.

You can quote from the work - see Section 22 of the Copyright Act: «Det er tillatt å sitere fra et offentliggjort verk i samsvar med god skikk og i den utstrekning formålet betinger.»

Recordings of lectures

If students are included in the recording, you must obtain consent from them in terms of the regulations for privacy protection.

Using visual art - BONO

BONO and the Norwegian Council for Higher Education (UHR) have negotiated an agreement that creates a foundation for digital use of images in teaching.

Using of film and radio and television programmes - NORWACO

NTNU has made an agreement with NOWACO about use of feature and radio and television programmes in lectures.


Kopinor enters into agreements regarding copying and other use of intellectual property on behalf of authors and publishers. Through the Kopinor agreement with NTNU, employees can take photocopies, prints and digital copies. It is not necessary to track down copyright holders and obtain permission from each of them.

The agreement on copying is for internal use and within specified limits. Information about these is included in the agreement. Digital copies cannot be made available on open websites, but can be posted on internal web pages, for example for the students in the learning management system (LMS).

The agreement provides the right to copying from all published material, from Norway and abroad, such as books, journals, periodicals, and newspapers, as well as content from the Internet. The agreement does not cover copying of audio and video, computer software and computer games, or originals of visual arts, photography, etc.


Follow our Innsida channel “Nytt fra Universitetsbiblioteket” (“News from the University Library”)

See also


Summary of the content of the Kopinor Agreement in Norwegian (and in English)

NORWACO - info page in English

NTNU's policy is that compendiums should be offered to students in digital form. Compulsory declarations are defined here as at least one book chapter for the students in the same subject and semester.Digital solution is made applicable for the autumn semester 2016.NTNU will correct compendium content through the BOLK service in accordance with the Copier Agreement and produce digital compendiums in pdf format, which will be sent to the lecturer in the appropriate subject area of the e-learning system (from 2017: Blackboard). The University Library will be responsible for the clearance and production of digital compendiums (responsibility taken from NTNU Graphic Center for Autumn 2017). This applies to the entire NTNU including Ålesund, Gjøvik and former HiST. The digital files are made available free of charge to the students on the subject. Students can choose whether to read the content on screen or print it out. NTNU's agreement with Akademika A / S on the production and sale of printed compendations expired the spring semester 2016 and is not renewed.

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