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Norwegian Bokmål

Create exam and assessment

Making exams and assessment

For teachers


Applies for all with exception for examinations at the Medical Doctor Programme (Norwegian)

A.Prepare the examination

  • Find date and time for exams on the course information page.
  • Report the need for third-party software and Lovdata in this form, as early as possible.
  • If students are required to complete assignments to take the examination - make a list of students who have completed the required coursework. Give this list to the administration at your department at least 9 workdays before the scheduled examination for the course.  
  • External examiners: Please check how your department/faculty normally handles this - whether you have to suggest external examiners or if this is taken care of by the department. Start the process of finding appeals graders, especially for large courses.
  • Remember to inform the students well about the exam. General information about the exam for students.
  • Tip: Don't put information about the time and location of exams on Blackboard. Direct the students to the information on Studentweb.

B.Write and deliver exam questions

  • Deadline for delivering/sharing the examination and guide for the external examiner is 7 workdays before the examination. Use current cover page templates for examination papers.
  • Digital exam: This is how you create the question set in Inspera Assessment. Graders can access mark schemes in Inspera. See "Preparatory information about grading at NTNU" on the wiki page Grading in Inspera Assessment for more information.
  • Make sure the question set is available in all relevant languages.
  • Make sure the question set is checked, in accordance with current guidelines at your department. Both the question set, any attachments, and the mark scheme should be discussed with and checked by a colleague within the same discipline.
  • Ensure safe sending/delivery of question sets, in accordance with current procedures at your department.
  • For digital exams using Inspera Assessment, you must remember to clarify the test settings with the administrative staff at the department.

If you wish to use hand-drawings for written school exams, notify the department administration, as this requires activation of InsperaScan in the test setup.

C.During the exam

D.After the exam

  • The deadline for submitting exam results is 3 weeks after the examination date.
    • For Master's theses, the deadline is 3 months after the submission deadline.
    • If the assessment period includes moveable holidays, the dealine is extended by the corresponding number of days.
    • If Christmas and new year's day interfere in the assessment period, the deadline is extended by 10 days.
    • If a grader (internal or external) falls ill, the deadline may be extended. The faculties consider applications for extension of the assessment deadline from the grader due to illness.
  • Grading in Inspera Assessment
  • Grading scale.
  • Make the mark scheme available to students. Normally this should be published on Blackboard. It is not possible to make the mark scheme available for the students in Inspera.
  • Check submissions for plagiarism.
  • Read about explanations and appeals - for students.
  • Explanation of grades and appeals in Inspera Assessment.

E.Re-sit exams (a.k.a. "kont")

  • Re-sit exams have the same form of assessment as the ordinary exam, unless the course description makes it possible to change to oral exam. Change in form of assessment to oral requires notification to the administration within the current deadline. Pay attention to information from your department/faculty.
  • Whether a course is required to arrange a re-sit exam or not, is regulated in § 5-6 of the academic regulations.
  • Re-sit exams are as a rule held during week 32–33. The exact date and time will be published on the course site around 15 July.
  • Student deadlines: register by 9 July, withdraw by 20 July.
  • Information for students about "kont"/re-sitting examinations, including regulations.
  • The same guidelines and rules apply to re-sit exams, as to ordinary exams.

Current information