Academic writing - EndNote
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EndNote ables you to store literature references in a personal database and add references to text documents. This page contains information on how to install and use EndNote.
Relaterte sider:
- Temasider om programvare for studenter og programvare for ansatte
Download EndNote
NTNU students and employees can install EndNote on their own machine from NTNU's portal for downloadable software. Enter your NTNU username and password to log in to the portal. Follow the instructions in the portal and the EndNote guide for downloading software. EndNote is available for Windows and Mac.
Go to the portal for downloadable software
Employees who have a Windows computer managed by NTNU can install EndNote from the Software Center in the start menu or on the PC’s desktop.
EndNote guide - Learn EndNote and get answers to your EndNote questions in this extensive guide.
Courses in EndNote
Physical and digital courses – If you are looking to get started with EndNote, NTNU University Library arranges introductory courses regularly.
Webcourse - Only available in Norwegian.
Both courses cover basic functions such as:
- creating and building your EndNote library
- importing, editing and making references
- organize your library
- changing reference style
You will also find videos on our YouTube channel (in Norwegian) and on EndNote’s homepage .
- Contact your local library if you have other questions about EndNote.
- Contact Orakel Support Services (NTNU Hjelp) if you need help with installing EndNote.
Reference styles
You will find more information about the different reference styles on the site “Using and citing sources”.
EndNote has a default Harvard style, with author names in uppercase (e.g., ARMSTRONG). The NTNU University Library has made its own NTNU Harvard style in lowercase (e.g., Armstrong).
Download translations of reference styles (in Norwegian)
There are Norwegian translations of some common reference styles that you can use if you write Norwegian texts. On the page "Using and referencing sources" you will find more information about the different reference styles.
Norwegian translation
Norsk oversettelse som er tilpasset den norske APA-manualen.
Norsk oversettelse laget av Universitetsbiblioteket.
- NTNU Chicago A - Fotnoter - Bokmål
- NTNU Chicago A - Fotnoter - Nynorsk
- NTNU Chicago B - Forfatter-år - Bokmål
- NTNU Chicago B - Forfatter-år - Nynorsk
Chicago 17th A (fotnoter) krever både fotnoter og litteraturliste. Du bruker stilen sammen med fotnotefunksjonen i Word: Velg fanen "Referanser" i Word og klikk på «Sett inn fotnote». Sett deretter inn referansen fra ditt EndNote-bibliotek i fotnoten.
Harvard-stilen som ligger som default i EndNote har store bokstaver i forfatternavnet (ARMSTRONG og ikke Armstrong), om du ønsker små bokstaver, kan du benytte stilen nedenfor:
Slik lagrer du stilen
Slik lagrer du stilen (in Norwegian)
- Klikk på lenken for å laste ned ønsket stil (fungerer dårlig i Internett Explorer)
- Denne åpnes i Endnote
- Lagre stilen ved å velge File > Save As > Angi filnavn.
- Stilen lagres da automatisk i den mappen som EndNote henter tilpassede stiler fra.
- Gå til EndNote og hent opp den nye stilen med “Select Another Style” og bla til - eller søk opp - stilen du nettopp lastet opp. Marker og velg “Choose”
NB! Hvis oppskriften over ikke fungerer på din maskin, f.eks. hvis du benytter Mac, kan du i stedet lagre stil-filen direkte i stilmappen for EndNote. Det kan variere hvor denne ligger, men f.eks. C:\Program Files\EndNote 20\Styles. Når du da går inn i EndNote, så skal stilen ligge tilgjengelig der.