Utveksling - IDI - Kunnskapsbasen
Utveksling - IDI
Informasjon for studenter ved Institutt for datateknologi og informatikk (IDI), campus Trondheim, som skal søke om utveksling i utlandet.
Step 1: Getting started
Read information about choice of university at NTNUs official pages for exchange students (Innsida).
Ensure that the chosen university can provide good coverage for the Compulsory courses of your study program.
Step 2: Requirements
- 30SP (60SP) of courses per semester (year).
- The GNAG database shows how to convert credits abroad to SPs.
- Provide links to course descriptions (not just course name).
- Provide mapping of chosen courses to NTNU courses to gain exemption for these courses.
- Ensure that courses selected are going to be taught that semester, if possible
Step 3: Approval Process
Read the instructions carefully. If you have any questions contact utveksling@idi.ntnu.no
- Provides a guarantee that the pre-approved courses will be approved as part of your degree program on your return.
- Is required by Lånekassen when applying for grants and loans. See: Pre-approval step by step
- Deadlines for submitting pre-approval form to utveksling@idi.ntnu.no: 12th September, 1st February
- See Søknadsfrister fo utenlandsstudier.
- Note: Japan and Singapore (spring), 1st September.
- Note: Japan, Singapore, South Korea (1 year), 20th January.
- Note: Søknadsfrister USA og Canada (pdf-fil)
- Fill out the pre-approval form.
- Send the form to your respective study program managers, not to utveksling@idi.ntnu.no
- Once you have gotten your pre-approval signed, send the signed form to ingrid.island@ntnu.no
Adjusted pre-approval
Sometimes it is necessary to change courses while you are abroad. You need to get an adjusted pre-approval approved to be guaranteed that the changes to your pre-approved courses will be approved as part of your degree program on your return.
Apply to utveksling@idi.ntnu.no:
- Use email; there is no form to fill in
- Include your study program
- Include for each change required:
- Which course is to be removed.
- Which course is to replace the course.
- Which NTNU course the new course is to be mapped to.
Deadline: apply as soon as you are aware there is an issue in your timetable
- If changes to pre-approved courses apply for post-approval to utveksling@idi.ntnu.no
- If no changes to pre-approved courses no signed post-approval is required
- Send post-approval form and transcripts to ingrid.island@ntnu.no
For students at BIT, MTDT, MSIT, MIDT:
- Apply using the post approval form
- Note: Under Studieprogram add specialization, if relevant
- Note: Save the document in a PDF-format
- Submit to utveksling@idi.ntnu.noand include:
- Pre-approval
- Any email approvals due to swapping courses if you had to adjust pre-approval from abroad
- Transcript from your study abroad
- Post approval
- After post-approval submit to postmottak@ie.ntnu.no and include:
- Pre-approval
- Transcripts
- Post-approval
Note: Registration of transcripts may take some time. You will receive an email when it is completed.
- 1st October (spring term)
- 1st Mars (autumn term)
More information on post-approval, see "Endelig godkjenning av utenlandsk utdanning".
Step 4: Pre-approval step-by-step
- Find a university: Studiested i utlandet
- Ensure that your choice of university offers courses that closely match your compulsory courses (O) for your study program.
- Check the The GNAG database to find out how to convert course credits to NTNU (ECTS) credits. Note that masters courses and bachelor courses may require different conversions.
- Check your study program requirements:
All students
Compulsory Courses
- Look up NTNU course description
- Look for a close match at your chosen university
Elective Courses
- You may choose elective courses other than those listed in the study plan that meet the elective requirements.
- When choosing an elective course, you need to also select an NTNU course to map to.
- Note that a course mapping may be dependent on other course choices that contributes to the required knowledge.
Extra courses (fyll fag):
You must take (the equivalent of) the same number of credits at the exchange location as you take at NTNU. European countries usually have an equivalent load to NTNU (30 credits/ECTS per semester). Always check the GNAG database for your exchange university.
Often, one course on exchange is mapped to one corresponding course at NTNU, but if you still don't have enough credits after this mapping, you must take extra courses. These courses can be about anything.
You may have found 4 courses (5 points per course, 20 credits in total) at the exchange location that you have mapped one-to-one to 4 courses at NTNU (7.5 per course, 30 credits in total). In this case, you must take extra courses equivalent to at least 10 credits to get the 4 NTNU courses approved.
Master's students
Experts in Teamwork (EiT)
- Teamwork in focus
- Preferably (but not compulsory) interdisciplinary
- 7.5SP Project-based teams
- Only students that are on exchange in the spring of their fourth year can substitute EiT with another similar course on exchange.
Students at MTDT and MIDT
Customer Driven Project (TDT4290)
- Teamwork in focus
- 15SP of Practical Computing Courses or 15SP of Practical Computing and Project leadership courses.
"Ingeniøremne annet studieprogram" and "Komplementære emner"
- You may choose "IaS" and "K-emne" courses other than those listed in the study plan that meet the respective requirements.
- You are required to find appropriate NTNU courses to match the courses chosen.
The form: Get, fill out, and submit
- Fill out the pre-approval PDF-form, see template: pre-approval template.
- Ensure you have working links for all course choices and test that the links work when you add them to the form.
- In comments: Provide comments if you are not following the normal study progression for the semester(s).
- Additional Information required for students at MSIT, MTDT and MIDT
- Under "Study programme at NTNU"add your specialization: e.g. MTDT databases and search
- In section 3: Add the explicit mapping of each course to an NTNU course. e.g. 10300 Image Processing and Deep Learning TDT4265 Note: You may need one or more courses to map the NTNU course.
- In section 4: Add the course type e.g. TDT4265 Computer Vision and Deep Learning (Elective).
- Submit to utveksling@idi.ntnu.no
- If the form is filled in incorrectly a student adviser will guide you to correctly filling in the form.
- If there are issues with the proposed mappings an adviser will help you resolve them.
- If the everything is correct the form will be signed and sent you by email.
- Upload to Mobility-Online and inform your student adviser at the IE faculty
- If you upload an unsigned pre-approval form, you have to update the upload as soon as you have a signed pre-approval form.
- Email your student adviser at the IE faculty.
Step 5: Applying to second choice schools
Only one pre-approval application can be submitted at a time. If, and only if your first choice is rejected: Apply for pre-approval of your second choice. See the Approval Process above for mor information.
Contact utveksling@idi.ntnu.no if you have further questions