Teorimoduler - IDI - Kunnskapsbasen
Teorimoduler - IDI
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Oversikt over teorimoduler (alle)
Child Pages (32)
TDT01 - Architecture of Computing Systems
TDT01 uses Confluence
TDT02 - Advanced distributed systems
Advanced, distributed systems Svein Erik Bratsberg is the responsible teacher for the course. Contact him for more information. TDT02 uses these web pages
TDT03 - Advanced Topics in Visual Computing
Advanced Topics in Visual Computing Please go to https://www.idi.ntnu.no/emner/tdt03/ ====================================== Fall 2017 The kick-off meeting to decide on this year’s topics...
TDT04 - Avanserte Bioinspirerte Metoder
Course overview Responsible: Pauline C Haddow. For more information contact (pauline@ntnu.no) . Work load: 3,75 SP Start-up: se TDT4 Wiki-pages Goal: The couse focuses on three Bio-inspired themes:...
TDT05 - Developing ML Tools - Insights and Case Studies
Teacher Prof. Zhirong Yang Course content You may have known how to build a machine-learning application using existing tools. Are you curious about how these tools are developed from scratch? If...
TDT06 - Educational Technology
Educational Technology Teacher: Michail Giannakos (michailg@ntnu.no) The course is taught in English. The format of the teaching is a series of sessions for each of the topics/ seminars,...
TDT07 - Learning Analytics
Learning Analytics Teacher: Michail Giannakos (michailg@ntnu.no) The course is taught in English. The format of the teaching is a series of sessions for each of the topics/seminars, assignments...
TDT08 - Algorithms for Fair Division
UNDERVISES IKKE 2024/2025 En teorimodul om algoritmiske problemer som involverer fordeling av udelelige ressurser. Detaljer om emneinnhold oppgis ved oppstart. Følgende artikkel gir en innføring i...
TDT10 - Gender and diversity in software development
The purpose of this course is to investigate why and how increased knowledge of the role of gender and diversity can contribute to better knowledge, processes, and solutions for Software...
TDT12 - Computational Creativity
Datamaskinell kreativitet, 2023 Given by Björn Gambäck. Computational Creativity has been claimed to be the Final Frontier of Artificial Intelligence, and aims to answer questions such as: How can...
TDT13 - Advanced Text Analytics and Language Understanding
Norsk: Avansert tekstanalyse og språkforståelse, 2024 Given by Björn Gambäck. The course consists of a set of regular lectures and student presentations. Note that the course content in general is...
TDT14 - Designing for Embodied Learning
Teachers: Gulia Cosentino (giulia.cosentino@ntnu.no), Sofia Tancredi (sofiatancredi@berkeley.edu), Michail Giannakos (michailg@ntnu.no) The course is taught in English. Format: 3 sessions (2...
TDT16 - Extended Reality
Teacher: Gabriel Hanssen Kiss (gabriel.kiss@ntnu.no), together with Frank Lindseth and Theoharis Theoharis The course is given in English. The format of the course is a series of sessions for each...
TDT17 - Visual Intelligence
Visual Intelligence (VI) is another word for modern Computer Vision (CV), i.e. CV based on DL (ML/AI) Teacher: Frank Lindseth Methods covered Fundamentals (neurons, layers, networks and...
TDT20 - Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise Architecture, Smart Cities and Value-Added services Teacher: Sobah Abbas Petersen Managing very large information systems and huge amounts of data from a variety of sources require a...
TDT28 - Computing Education Research
Computing Education Research – Autumn 2024 Teacher: Trond Aalberg The course is taught in Norwegian unless the are English speaking participants. Contact the teacher if you have any question. The...
TDT29 - Cooperation Technologies and Learning
Cooperation Technologies and Learning Teacher: Monica Divitini The course is taught in English. Contact the teacher if you have any question. Workload: 3,75 SP Start-up Kick-off meeting on 3...
TDT30 - Software systems and intellectual assets management
Teacher: Anna Leida Mölder The laws covering software development and research are complex and confusing, but are necessary to understand in order to advance software solutions from desktop to full...
TDT31 - The regulation of artificial intelligence
Teacher: Anna Leida Mölder With the increased use of artificial intelligence, the role of a software engineer and researcher in computer science has changed from implementation of execution to...
TDT37 - Digitalization in practice
Teacher & course responsible: Marius Mikalsen with Eric Monteiro Format The course is student-driven. There is no ordinary lecturing, only brief injections from the teacher. There are 5 sessions,...
TDT38 - Clinical decision support systems
TDT38 - Kliniske støttesystem UNDERVISES IKKE HØSTEN 2023
TDT39 - Empiriske studier i IT
TDT39 bruker Confluence
TDT40 - Advanced topics in software process improvement
Avanserte emner i programvareprosessforbedring Undervises IKKE i 2024 pga forskertermin // Will not be taught in 2024 due to research term. Teacher: Torgeir Dingsøyr Credits: 3.75 Maximum 16...
TDT41 - From Networks to Causal Models in Artificial Intelligence
From Networks to Causal Models in Artificial Intelligence (last updated August 24th, 2024) Instructor: Ole Jakob Mengshoel +++++ News flash August 24, 2024+++++ Since I last updated the theory...
TDT42 - Theoretical foundations of game design
UNDERVISES IKKE 2024/2025 / NOT TAUGHT IN 2024/2025 Dag Svanæs is the responsible teacher for the course. For more information please contact (dags at idi.ntnu.no) . Goal The course introduces...
TDT50 - IT for sustainable development
Norsk: IT for bærekraftig utvikling Given by John Krogstie. The first seminar will be Thursday September 19 2024 12:15-14:00. Course Material 2024 Information system and software practitioners are...
TDT55 - Knowledge-Intensive CBR
Fall semester 2024: This course will not be taught this semester. Module organizer: Professor Kerstin Bach Next course: Fall 2025 Kerstin is on sabbatical during the 2024/2025 school year....
TDT63 - Quality of Models and Modeling Languages
UNDERVISES IKKE 2024/2025 Norsk: Kvalitet av modeller og modelleringsspråk Given by John Krogstie. Below description is for the course as given in 2022, some changes will be done based on interest...
TDT70 - AI Masterclass
Fall semester 2024 Module organiser: Anders Kofod-Petersen Course content Course structure Seminars Seminar 1 Time & place: Wednesday, September 4. 12.15-14.00, Kjelhuset KJL4 Welcome to DART and...
TDT71 - Game development
Game Development Course overview (updated Aug. 20th, 2024) Responsible: Alf Inge Wang. For more information, contact (alfw@idi.ntnu.no). Workload: 3,75 SP Start-up: Monday September 2nd 14:00-15:00...
TDT76 - Deep Learning
Deep Learning 2017 Course Materials One book: "Deep Learning (2016)", Goodfellow, Bengio and Courville, MIT Press. Book Chapters: Chapters 1-5. (General Background) Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,...
TDT77 - Learning technologies
Learning Technologies Learning Technologies given by Trond Aalberg. Course overview Responsible: Trond Aalberg Work load: 3,75 SP Learning activities: The course will be based on self study with...