
Zoom video lectures

Zoom - Recording

Here you can read more about recording in Zoom.

Norsk versjon: Zoom - Opptak

Zoom offers an opportunity to record content, which can be done in several ways.

Saving Recordings on Your PC

  1. Start a meeting, or join a scheduled meeting using the Zoom client.
  2. Find the Record button on the bottom of the screen.
    An image with an arrow pointing to the location of the record button on the toolbar
  3. Select Record on this Computer.
    An image of the record button with an arrow pointing to "Record on this computer"
  4. On the top left of your screen, you will be able to see a status bar where you can pause or stop the recording.
    An image showing a recording in progress. A quote box says "pause" and points to the pause button, while another says "stop" and points to the stop button.
  5. When the recording is paused, you can either continue the recording or stop it.
    An image that shows the screen when the recording has been paused. A quote box says "continue recording" and points to the play button.
  6. When the recording is stopped, you will receive the following message on the top right of your screen.
    An image of the dialogue box that appears when the recording is stopped, which reads "the recorded file will be converted to mp4 when the meeting ends"
  7. When the meeting has ended, a folder containing any recording(s) you made during the meeting will pop up. Recordings are saved in mp4 format.
    An image showing the location of the locally stored mp4 file

Saving Recordings in Panopto

To create recordings that are saved directly in Panopto, it is important to make sure that you are logged in on Zoom with your NTNU user. Read more about how to do that here. You must also ensure that you have activated your Panopto account. Information on how to activate your Panopto account can be found here.

  1. Start a meeting, or join a scheduled meeting using the Zoom client.
  2. Find the Record button on the bottom of the screen.
    An image with an arrow pointing to the location of the record button on the toolbar
  3. Select Record to the Cloud.
    An image of the record button with an arrow pointing to "record to the cloud"
  4. On the top left of your screen, you will be able to see a status bar where you can pause or stop the recording.
    An image showing a recording in progress. A quote box says "pause" and points to the pause button, while another says "stop" and points to the stop button.
  5. When the recording is paused, you can either continue the recording or stop it.
    An image that shows the screen when the recording has been paused. A quote box says "continue recording" and points to the play button.
  6. When you press "Stop", you will receive a warning where you must confirm that you wish to stop the recording.
    A dialogue box appears when hitting "Stop" that asks if you want to stop cloud recording
  7. When the meeting has ended, you will not receive any confirmation or notification that the recording has been saved. You can find the recording in the folder entitled Meeting Recordings within My Folder in Panopto. Note that it may take some time before the recording appears in Panopto, and that the Meeting Recordings folder is only created after the first time you use the Record to the Cloud function in Zoom.
    An image with an arrow pointing to the location of meeting recordings stored on the cloud

See Also


The Orakel Support Services can assist you if you encounter any problems.

Contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) for help with digital teaching through NTNU Help.