
Workplace Environment Committee - AMU

NTNU's Workplace Environment Committee`s (abbreviated AMU because of its Norwegian title, Arbeidsmiljøutvalget) intension is ensuring NTNUs achievement of the organizations health, safety and environment goals. AMU is a participant in planning and organizing HSE-related tasks and assignments and throloughly followa the development in HSE-matters

Also: Local Workplace Environment Committee (AMU) in Gjøvik (in Norwegian) and Ålesund (in Norwegian).

Norsk versjon: Arbeidsmiljøutvalget - AMU

Meetings in 2020

  • 23.01.20 kl. 12.00-15.00
  • 11.02.20 kl. 17.00-19.00 AMU-møte
  • 12.02.20 kl. 08.30-14.00 AMU-seminar, Radisson Blu Hotel, Trondheim Airport
  • 23.04.20 kl. 12.00-15.00
  • 03.06.20 kl. 08.00-11.00
  • 23.09.20 kl. 08.30-15.30 AMU-møte/miniseminar, Trondheim
  • 02.11.20 kl. 12.00-15.00
  • 09.12.20 kl. 12.00-15.00

All the meetings are helt at the "PFI-building", room 1103.

Summons and minutes


At NTNU, both parties (employer and employee) are equally represented in the committee with five representatives each, two of which are representatives from NTNU Gjøvik and NTNU Ålesund. Representatives from Gjøvik og Ålesund alternate between representing the employers side and representing the employees side, every second year. Employer representatives and employee representatives elect the head of the committee alternately.

Rector appoints the employer representatives. Employee representatives constitute the Senior Safety Representative and three representatives appointed by the labor organizations LO-Stat, YS-Stat, Akademikerne and Unio. All representatives have a deputy. At NTNU, the Director of Organization represents AMUs head of the committee. Other members without voting rights constitute a representative from NTNU’s Occupational Health Service, Head of the HSE- Section, a student representative appointed by the student parliament, an observer from the HSE- section at SINTEF, and an observer from the Student Organization in Trondheim (SiT).

All employees may request the committee to address a certain matter. AMUs Building-branch (“Byggearm”) is an advisory subcommittee for AMU in matters regarding building applications etc. that require approval from the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority.


AMU handles matters such as:

  • Questions regarding NTNU’s Occupational Health Service and the Safety Representative Line (“vernelinja”)
  • Questions regarding training, instruction and information measures/activities within the organization that are relevant to the work environment
  • Planned activities that in accordance with The Working Environment Act § 18-9, require the Norwegian Labor Inspection authority`s approval
  • Planned activities that may have significant impact on the work environment (e.g. planned construction work, machinery purchases, efficiency rationalization, working processes and preventive safety measures)
  • Establishment and maintenance of NTNUs systematic HSE-work, in accordance with The Working Environment Act § 3-1
  • Health related questions regarding working schedules

If AMU finds it is necessary, the committee may decide upon measures protecting the employee`s health and safety.

AMU decides upon any changes related to all safety matters.

AMUs Buliding-branch

AMUs building-branch («byggearm») promotes proposals to AMU in matters where AMU handles and gives recommendations in construction- and building cases that require approval from the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority, in accordance with The Working Environment Act § 18-9. Cases considered to be of significance to HSE is prepared and handled the same way. The building-branch cooperates with user-groups/representatives, and recruits necessary expertise if or when this is required. AMU may delegate the final approval in single issues to AMUs head leader.

Members of AMUs building-branch:

  • A representative with expertise within project managing, appointed by Head of Property Management
  • A representative from the HSE-Section appointed by the Head of the HSE-Section
  • NTNUs Senior Safety Representative
  • An observer from NTNUs learning environment committee - LMU (abbreviated “LMU” because of its title; læringsmiljøutvalget) student representation

AMU's members

Employer representatives

Employee representatives

Representantives with the right to speak ant to make suggestions



NTNU regulations



Last edited 07.05.20

4438 Visninger
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