

All waste must be sorted at NTNU and our goal is to minimize the amount of waste produced, and to properly sort waste.
On this page you can learn how to sort your waste.

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Topic page on HSE | Pages tagged with waste

Waste sorting

Paper, residual waste and deposit bottles and cans are sorted at recycling stations in the common areas, cafeterias and near the office areas.
The residual waste is emptied once a day, the rest is emptied as needed. All litters are checked every day.

Cardboard and paper

  • Packaging cardboard, newspapers, paperback books, beverage cartons, envelopes (including window envelopes), advertisements, writing paper, periodicals, magazines, etc.
  • Pizza boxes and used cardboard trays and cardboard cups are soiled cardboard and must be sorted as residual waste.
  • Contact custodial services if you have large amounts of cardboard to be collected.

Deposit bottles and cans

  • Beverage bottles and cans marked with a deposit symbol ("PANT") are collected and delivered for a refund of the deposit.
  • The income from the deposit goes to an environmental purpose decided by the Student Parliament.

Residual waste

  • What is left when everything that can be sorted has been removed.
  • Hazardous waste, batteries and electrical waste must never be thrown away in the residual waste.
  • Sharp objects must be wrapped to prevent personal injury.


  • Packaging that is clean or almost clean, for example plastic bags, chocolate wrappers, potato chip bags, ice cream containers, plastic cups, plastic bottles that do not have a deposit symbol, and plastic wrap. If the plastic is not packaging, discard it as residual waste.
  • Soiled plastic is sorted as residual waste.

Glass packaging

  • Glass packaging such as jars and glass bottles without a deposit symbol.
  • Broken glass packaging and broken drinking glasses are sorted as residual waste.

Metal packaging

  • Metal packaging for food and drink (except beverage cans with a deposit symbol).


  • Bigger batteries are defined as chemical waste. Se guidelines for disposal of chemical waste.
  • Never discard batteries as residual waste.
  • Small batteries such as AA, AAA etc. are sorted at extended recycling stations.

Electrical and electronic equipment

  • Cables, accessories and other small electrical equipment are sorted at extended recycling stations. Electrical waste must never be discarded in residual waste.
  • IT equipment such as computers, mobile phones and tablets must be assessed by the IT department and recycled or reused. The units (which here means faculty, department, department or section) will themselves be responsible for ordering safety cabinets/pallets for the return of used IT equipment. This can be ordered through a form in NTNU Help.


  • The paper are loaded in the locked waste bins marked "Makuleringspapir". All bins are locked and can only be unlocked by employees at the transportation division. Emptying are ordered via custodial services.

Hazardous waste

  • Every faculty and department is responsible for their own hazardous waste. See the page on hazardous waste for more information.

Glass waste from laboratories

There is a collection point for glass waste from laboratories in rooms DU4-147 in Realfagbygget. The glass is brought to the room by the users themselves. The following point must be met:

  • The glass waste must be clean and dry.
  • The waste must not contain any residues of chemicals or biological material.
  • The waste must not smell of chemicals.

If the glass waste is or may be contaminated with chemicals, it must be disposed of in accordance with. procedures for hazardous waste and not placed here.

Construction materials

  • Wood, stone, concrete and metals should be collect in separate containers outside of each building. The waste will then be delivered for recycling. Contact custodial services if you need to dispose of large amounts of waste.

Food waste

  • Are sorted in the canteens at NTNU.
  • Arrangements for other food waste will be in place during 2025.

Disposable grill

During summer containers for disposable grills will be placed in Høgskoleparken (Gløshaugen):


NTNU regulations

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