
PhD forms - IE

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PhD forms at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE).
Norsk versjon: Doktorgrad - skjema - IE

Doctoral theses at NTNU by year: 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018 and earlier.

How to progress with your PhD work at NTNU:

PhD 1-2-3

PhD on Track


Cristin contacts

Mimir's well


Getting started

Guidelines on Digital ID for signing of documents.


  • Progress report provided by email
  • Change in academic training (doc | pdf)
    In order to have a course (external/summer school/winter school) approved, a complete course description must be provided. The course level(e.g.PhD) and workload (ECTS) should also be documented. For external courses, approval is required from the main supervisor and head of the PhD programboard. The candidate’s learning outcomes should be evaluated and documented (transcript). If a course only confirms participation, an examination must be arranged at the Department upon return to NTNU for approval. The assessment should be provided in the form of a grading protocol.
    • Requirements for Academic Training, cf. Section 9-1 (pdf)
  • Application for resuming academic position
    • The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE) offers PhD fellows and a grant for resuming work after their parental or sick leave (100%) that has been continuously for 6 months. Granted applications will provide up to one month extra employment and shall be seen as a compensation for the time it takes to resume work. The scheme is part of NTNU's new Policy for Gender Equality and Diversity policy adopted by the Rector.
  • Focus on Cappa by professor Keith Downing 
  • Application for prolongation(pdf)


  • Application for assessment of thesis (pdf doc)
  • Statement from supervisor (pdf | doc)
  • Declaration of co-authorship (pdf)
  • Administrative checklist regarding your completion (pdf)
  • Sample: Program trial lecture and public defence (pdf)
  • Carrer-day
  • Publishing
  • Retningslinjer for bruk av digitale løsninger ved gjennomføring av doktorgradsprøven (14.02.2022)​

  • Note! Possible solutions for Online Doctoral Examination:


    Possible with both Zoom and Teams.  Teams are preferable.


    Possible with Teams.  Need own PC if to use Zoom.

    EL6 and other regular auditorium

    Possible with Zoom and Teams via pc in the room or by own pc.

    S1 and other Zoom auditorium

    Only possible with Zoom via own client i the room.


    Possible with Zoom and Teams via pc in the room or by own pc.

Information about Integrated PhD

  • Use the regular form for admission and make sure to save a copy for your admission for part II (i.e. after completing the master's degree and normally the PhD education). In addition you need to attach a complete project description when applying for admission to part II of the PhD program.

dr. philos

Digital diploma (order printed version)