
Mimes Brønn - IT Help for Students and Researchers

(Videresendt fra IT-support for PhD students - Mimes Brønn)

Mimes Brønn is a part of NTNU IT Research Support, and is a service that provides students and researchers with IT help in their projects and in their research.

Norsk versjon - Mimes Brønn - IT-hjelp for studenter og forskere

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What does Mimes Brønn do?

Mimes Brønn is created as a service for students and researchers that need help to integrate IT into their research projects. This includes help with programming, consultation, and guidance from NTNUs IT Department. In addition, we have recently created a VR lab in our office, where we provide consultation for projects that can benefit from using VR equipment.

Who can contact us?

Everyone with IT challenges in their research or project work. If you don’t know where to begin, if you are stuck, or if you just need some good advice, we are here to help you. We can help you with almost any IT related problem, like for example troubleshooting code, connecting sensors and other instruments to your code, and generally help you navigate in today's technological jungle. Maybe you don’t have a lot of experience with programming from earlier? In that case, we will gladly help you get started with using programming in your project.

Mimes Brønn also works as a gateway to NTNU IT Research Support. If we are unable to solve your problem directly, we know who to contact at the IT Department in order to provide you with the best help possible, as soon as possible.

VR Lab

In our offices you will find our newly founded VR Lab, where you will have the opportunity to try new technologies and applications. We have several demos available, regarding data visualization, storytelling through 360° videos, collaboration in VR, and loads more! Our lab mainly focuses on data processing in VR, but you are more than welcome to visit us regardless of interests and prior knowledge about VR.

Get started

Write to us if you are interested in more information.

Key contacts are Anders Christensen and Stein Stendahl.

Visit us

Visiting address: Geology Building, room 318, S.P. Andersens veg 15, Trondheim

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