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Master Thesis in Informatics - IDI

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On this page you will find information for students at the Department of Computer Science.  

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See pages marked with IDI | See pages marked with MSIT  

The master thesis in Informatics (MSIT) is 30 credits:  

The master thesis in informatics for Natural Science with Teacher Education (MLREAL) is 30 credits 

The master thesis in informatics (MIT, admission before 2020) consists of 60 credits divided between two semesters:  

Practical implementation

  1. Continue your preparatory project as your master thesis or find a different master thesis that interest you
  2. Sign the master agreement in consultation with your supervisor 
  3. Submit your master thesis


1. Find a master thesis you wish to write about 

Students that wish to continue working on their preparatory project, please go to point 2 (below)  

Please note that you must contact the supervisor that offers the master thesis you are interested in, to make an agreement for collaboration. The main supervisor must be employed at the department. You make this agreement with the supervisor during the autumn semester.  

You will find an overview of the master theses/projects in the project database

You can also write your master thesis in cooperation with a company. If you wish to do so, you must submit a signed agreement to the department, in addition to the master agreement.

You can find more information regarding this on: "Writing and submitting your master's thesis".


2. Sign the master agreement in consultation with your supervisor  

You must register the master agreement in SharePoint when you have an agreement with a supervisor.  

  • Registration, signing and submitting the agreement digitally by the student (deadline is 15th of January)  
  • Digital approval by supervisor 
  • Digital approval by department  
  • The faculty will double check the premises for writing a master thesis and contact the student if necessary   

Link to the master agreement in SharePoint

Do you have any questions regarding the master agreement? Please contact


3. Submitting your master thesis 

The deadline for submitting your master thesis is 20 weeks from the starting date, plus an additional week for Easter or Christmas. 

If the submission date is during the weekend or national holiday, the deadline will be the following working day.  

The master thesis is to be submitted digitally as a PDF-file in Inspera.  


Submission deferral   

If you are unable to submit your master thesis on time due to technical issues/equipment issues or other reasons, you can apply for a deferral.  

A written application for deferral must be submitted to the faculty ( after agreement with your supervisor. It is required to have written documentation of statement, as well as a new plan for completion.  

Contact the administration at IDI ( to receive a deferral deadline due to sickness or a student assistant position at NTNU. 

If you don’t meet the deadline without having applied for a deferral, you risk receiving a ‘’not approved’’ as final mark for your master thesis  (Se §5-9 i utfyllende regler til forskrift om studier ved NTNU for realfagstudier av 15.08.2017 – pdf)



The censorship is 3 months after the submission date.  


More information 

For more information and resources regarding how to write your master thesis, please look at the page "Writing and submitting your master's thesis"



Timeline  Description  

2nd semester (March) 

A general meeting regarding preparatory work and master thesis 
15th of January  Deadline for submitting digital master agreement 
20 weeks after start-up (plus 1 week for Christmas/Easter)  Deadline for submitting master thesis 
3 months  

Censorship deadline 3 months after submission  


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Målgruppe: Studenter