Make your research more visible - Kunnskapsbasen
Make your research more visible
NTNU University Library can give you advice and guidance on how you as a researcher can make your scientific publications more visible and hopefully be more frequently cited.
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This article isn't about scientific writing, but rather about what you should think about when you choose where to publish manuscripts and what happens after publication.
Why should you strive to make your research more visible?
Being visible as a scientist means that your publications are read, commented and cited by the research community. Research that has impact is of importance both for the individual researcher and NTNU as a whole.
Nationally, the Ministry of Education and Research tends to reward publication points in research budget allocation. Internationally, it is equally important to be visible in citation databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. Articles that are cited in these databases raise NTNU's placement in international university rankings, which are partially based on the number of cited publications from the institution's researchers. Cited publications also help you as a researcher become visible to possible collaborators who are considering cooperating with research groups or individuals.
Important to increase visibility
- Correct address in the publication should be: “NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology” and the applicable institute or similar. See a guide to crediting in scientific articles (in Norwegian).
- If possible, publish through a channel with Open Access, especially if you have received support from the EU or the Research Council of Norway.
- Be careful to ensure your rights as a researcher when you sign a contract with your publisher.
- If possible, publish in periodicals that are referred to in both of the databases Scopus and Web of Science.
- Conference papers should be published in counting channels.
- Register your researcher profile in Cristin. These data are linked to your NTNU profile and will be indexed by Google.
- Check the journal's impact factor in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) to get an indication of the average number of citations.
- Journal articles with cooperating authors are generally cited more often, and are therefore ranked higher.
- Self-archiving of registered articles (in Norwegian) i CRIStin are simple - use the last approved version that was given to the publisher for printing. See information about Self-archiving and Rights Retention Strategy.
International visibility
- English publications in international journals make the article more visible and increase the possibility of citation.
- Check if the journal is indexed by Web of Science or Scopus, as this effects the university ranking.
- Check the journal impact factor in Journal Citation Reports for an indication of the average citation score of the journal's publications.
- Register your research profile and get a unique researcher ID at: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. Remember to include your correct NTNU affiliation.
In the Norwegian system
- Search in the Norwegian register of scientific journals, series and publishers (NSD) to find the level of a given periodical or publisher (level 0,1 or 2)
- Register all publications in Cristin before the deadline.
Social research networks
Another way of making your research more visible is to share the papers on social research networks. You can use the last accepted version sent to the publisher before printing.
Such networks allow researchers worldwide to discover publications on topics and in fields they are interested in. Downloading full-text papers from such fora has become a very popular source of information among researchers. Several such networks also allow you to upload unfinished papers that other researchers could give you feedback on.
Here are some of the largest social research networks:
- The library's publishing group - if you need help increasing your visibility as a researcher
- Nina Andersen - if you have suggestions for changes to the web page
- Your local library - if you have other questions
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