Leave for military and civilian national service - Kunnskapsbasen
Leave for military and civilian national service
Information regarding military and civilian national service.
Norsk versjon - Permisjon ved militær- og sivilarbeidstjeneste
Topic page about leave | Pages labelled with leave
When are you entitled to leave of absence?
You are entitled to leave of absence if you are called up for compulsory or voluntary military service. Voluntary service in international peacekeeping operations lasting up to 24 months also entitles you to leave of absence.
You must notify your immediate manager and the Human Resources Division as soon as possible and well in advance of the service period.
Pay during service
If you have been employed for at least 6 months before the period of service, you are entitled to pay.
Contact your HR-colleague to apply for leave for military or civilian national service.
The full period of compulsory military service counts as pensionable service.
References and legislation
- Working Environment Act Section 12-12
- Working Environment Act Section 15-10
- Section 21 of Statens personalhåndbok (the Personnel Handbook for State Employees)
Contact information
Do you have questions or need help? Contact the service center