
Illness and leave of absence - PhD

Information about your rights and obligations as concerns illness or leave of absence as a PhD-candidate at NTNU.

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Research fellow at NTNU

For candidates who are employed at NTNU, the same general rules apply as for other employees when it comes to illness and leaves of absence. In addition to the general rules and regulations, your employment is governed by the following regulations :

It is important that you report any sick leave to your immediate manager from day 1. This applies to any absence related to your own or your child’s illness.

Unpaid lawful absence usually grants an extension from day 1.

If you have parental leave, you may still attend classes and sit for exams in courses that are to be included in your coursework component or other academic training.

Voluntary leave of absence

You may be granted leave of absence to enter short-term temporary teaching and research posts, overseas fellowships and the like when this can be done without delaying the progress of your doctoral project with more than half a year. This is not a right and must be decided by the appointing body on a case-by-case basis. Your supervisor will have to confirm that the leave of absence is justifiable academically and the Head of the Department will have to deem the leave of absence acceptable in terms of staff and the department's financial situation.

PhD-candidate at NTNU

If you are not employed at NTNU, you still have to notify NTNU of any illness or leave of absence that may be grounds for an extension. This must also be documented. Usually, when it comes to illness and leaves of absence regulated by law or contract, you will be granted an extension from NTNU that matches the extension from your employer. If your employer grants you leave of absence, you should also apply for a leave of absence from your PhD-studies.

If you have parental leave, you may still attend classes and sit for exams in courses that are to be included in your coursework component or other academic training.

After the end of your funding period

The maximum period of study is six years, excluding leaves of absence, lengthy periods of illness and required duties. It is therefore important that you report and document any lengthy illness and leaves of absence regulated by law or contract, even after the end of your funding. You will not be granted further extension if you do not document these delays. It is your responsibility to keep NTNU informed of any cause for extensions or you may be terminated from the programme due to the length of study.

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