
Exercise during...

Fitness initiatives for employees in Trondheim

Fitness classes are available for all employees at NTNU in Trondheim. The page contains information on when, where and a description of the classes.

Norsk versjon - Felles treningstimer for ansatte ved NTNU i Trondheim

Topic page on training for employees | FAQ on training during work hours

Follow the channel Trening for NTNU-ansatte to stay updated on the schedule, and get notified if there are changes.

Free classes for employees

  • The classes are free for all employees at NTNU
  • These classes have been created with help from SiT, but a SiT membership is not required for attending
  • Employees may not use strength rooms or other exercise facilities after the employee hours have ended
  • The current program is valid from 14 January to 14 May 2025

Dragvoll sports centre

Stærke ansatte: Tuesday 15:00 - 15:45, Aerobicsalen.

  • Training period: 21 January – 13 May 2025.

Gløshaugen Idrettsbygg

Stærke ansatte: Monday 15:00 - 15:45, hall 4.

  • Training period: 20 January – 12 Mai 2025.

Yoga: Tuesday, 15:00 - 15:45, hall 1

  • Training period: 14 January - 13 May 2025

Styrketimen: Thursday, 15:00 - 15:45, hall 4.

  • Training period: 16 January - 8 May 2025

Description of classes


A strength session with music. The training starts with joint warm-up with simple movements, followed by a strength part with exercises that challenge core muscles and large muscle groups. Everyone performs the same exercise, but with a load adapted to the individual. The class ends with light stretching.

Stærke ansatte

This class involves circuit strength training that challenges your core muscles, strength and condition. Each station has 2–3 exercises that challenge different groups of muscles. The exercises are performed one after the other without pause, and with a difficulty that is adapted to your physical shape.

Wear good shoes. Remember to bring a bottle of water.


  • You do not have to sign up for these classes - just show up!
  • Bring your personal work-ID and show in the reception when you arrive

Contact information