Domain names at NTNU - Kunnskapsbasen
Domain names at NTNU
NTNU's name policy regulate the use of the university's official domains and The goal is to have uniform and unambiguous domain names and URL addresses.
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Domains and websites
You must apply if you wish to create domains, websites and email domains for official units. The Communication Division in the highest authority in delegation cases. The IT division should consult with the Communication Division in delegation cases. Approved delegation is to be implemented by the IT Division. Domains that are registered under NTNU's organization number without specific permission from the Communication Division, can be deleted without warning.
NTNU has a quota of domain names under its organization number. In addition to, NTNU disposes 99 other domain names, such as and Time limited projects or events will not receive domain names from NTNU's quota, as these are only given to permanent units or initiatives.
Why you should use NTNU's publishing tools for web pages.
Applications for domain names from NTNU's quota can be sent to the Communication Division, via The IT division's host master,, can give advice on buying domains outside of NTNU.
NTNU has to separate websites in Norwegian and English. The main categories of information in English on the NTNU are gather under two collected terms:
Official sites
If you wish for a website directly under or (at the root level), you should write to the ICommunication Division, via Approved delegations of websites can then be created by a unit's webmaster.
Unofficial websites
Unofficial websites under and are preapproved and are technically handled by Orakel Support Services.
Official webpages
By official webpages, we mean pages that are published on behalf of NTNU centrally, at faculty, department, academic group or unit level, that are directly subject to NTNU's management. All official webpages are placed directly in the domain (Norwegian) or (English).
Here are some areas fall outside of the category on behalf of NTNU':
- Information about education, course and conferences for which NTNU does not have academic or administrative responsibility.
- Personal webpages that mostly contain an NTNU employee's personal opinions, leisure activities or private life, where the individual employee is responsible for the content, or where it is unreasonable to view the institution NTNU as responsible for the content. NTNU managers should not have to have editor duties.
- Organizations or units that are attached to but no directly subject to NTNU's management.
Unofficial webpages
Webpages that are not published on behalf of NTNU and that the university does not have editor duties for are unofficial. Examples of such are connected but independent organization and personal websites.
Peripheral businesses
Corporations where NTNU owns all of or a large part of the stocks, foundations administrated by NTNU and other independent business that are in various ways connected to NTNU, but are note organizationally a part of the university, are encouraged to establish their own domains outside of NTNU. NTNUs hostmaster can provide information and help regarding registering domains,
Student organizations
Webpages: Independent student organization with loose ties to NTNU can receive webpages under the domain. Examples of such organizations are student organizations, sports teams and organizations connected to student democracy. The group's name must contain at least nine characters. The web address then follows the form ""
Email addresses: Organizations that receives websites under the domain also receive the right to create mailing lists under the domain. The mailing list addresses with start with the organizations chosen nickname as in
Personal webpages
All students and employees at NTNU have the right to personal webpages under the domain The word "folk" is chosen because it works both in Norwegian and in English. The address will be of the form, where the username is your regular username as a student or employee at NTNU.
Email addresses
For official email addresses (this means email-lists, aliases, shared mailboxes, non-personal addresses), for example for units or projects, a different name type will be used than in the case of websites. The adress here would be logic here is different because there is no structural mechanisms for the local part (to the left of @). To administrate all emails in NTNU, the IT department will have to use the domainpart (to the right of @). This part is used to group and access control the adresses, and you avoid adress collisions for similar functional adresses. (for eksample posttmottak@avdeling).
The main rule is that NTNUs emails gets the no-domain. This will in some cases be given exception for some edu. addresses.
Machine domains
Machines domains are a way of organizing client and sever machines. All computers at NTNU should have a machine name and belong to a domain. The domain should be attached to the unit responsible for the computer. The name policy does not set guidelines for these names, beyond the normal technical specifications for DNS entries [RFC1035].
Windows resource domains
The IT Division offers resource domains in Active Directory for Windows computers, both servers and stationary machines. The advantage of being in a Windows domain is simpler administration, as well as the opportunity for authentication of NTNU users. By using the IT Divisions resource domain, you don't need to run your own domain server. Note that the computers in the IT Divisions resource domain still have to belong to the machine domain
Infrastructure in NTNU's network can be registered directly under Examples of such infrastructure are network equipment (routers and switches), name servers and DHCP servers. Commons domain and service names such as, and are allowed if they are administrated by the IT Division and are of common benefit.
Why do we have a naming policy?
Short words in URL addresses make them easier to remember, for example in brochures, business cards and on slides. Relevant, descriptive link addresses give better hits in search engines. It is important that the subaddresses reflect the logical structure of
The overall principles for NTNU's naming policy are that URL addresses should have unambiguous and logical connections to the institution the name is referring to. At the same time, the name should be as short as possible and with as few parts as possible. The standard address form should be (for the Norwegian website) and (for the English website.) Webpages of the form "" should not be used.
Also see
Read all about the naming policy here (Norwegian PDF).
To request for websites directly under or (at root level), apply to the Communication Division, via
Unofficial sites under the and domains are pre approved and directly administrated by Orakel Support Services