
Digital meeting...

Digital meeting rooms - Teams meetings

On this page, you will learn to use the touchscreen console that you find in Digital meeting rooms around NTNU, with meetings in Teams.

NOTE: Only norwegian interface language is available on the console, which is why this guide includes photos and names in norwegian.

Norsk versjon - Digitale møterom - møter i Teams

Topic page about IT services | Pages labeled with digital meeting rooms

About the touchscreen console

All digital meeting rooms around NTNU are equipped with a tochscreen console. This automatically wakes up when it detects motion. The console is equipped with a touchscreen and is operated by pressing it directly. You can do the following:

  • Join a scheduled meeting by selecting Bli med on the touchscreen.

Note: To get a meeting to show up on the room console, organizers should set the room as the meeting location.
  • Start a new meeting by selecting Nytt møte.
  • Project your laptop by plugging in the cable connected to the console.
  • Select Mer... for instructions on how to add the room to a meeting, give feedback on the device, or change settings.

When you're in a meeting, you'll have options to manage your camera and mic, share content, add participants, and end the call.

Invite a room to a meeting

Use Outlook to reserve a digital meeting room

  1. Open Outlook, and go to your calendar.
  2. Select New Teams Meeting in the Teams Meeting section or New Meeting, then Teams Meeting.
  3. Select Room Finder in the meeting scheduler or type the conference room email address.
  4. Select Show a room list and find a building or list.
  5. Choose a room from the list of available rooms.
  6. Complete the meeting invitation as you would for any other meeting before sending.

Use Outlook to add a digital meeting room to an existing meeting

  1. Open the meeting in Outlook on your personal device.
  2. Add the room name (it's on the console) under To or find the room using Room finder in the meeting scheduler, and send the update.
  3. If the meeting is accepted, it will appear on the console.
  4. Select the meeting on the console to join.

Join a meeting

Join a scheduled meeting

Just find your meeting on the console and select Bli med to join.

Any meetings currently happening are at the top of the list. After a meeting ends, it'll stay on the screen for a little while so you can easily join again if you need to.

If a scheduled meeting doesn't appear on the console (or if the meeting tile shows ... instead of Bli med), you will need to invite the room or add the room on your personal device.

Join a scheduled meeting that's not on the console

  1. Join the meeting on your personal device.
  2. When you're choosing your audio and video settings you have the option to add a room so you can use that room's audio and video equipment. Your personal device may even detect a nearby room using Bluetooth.

    If it does, you'll see the meeting room's name and the option to Join and add this room. If the nearby room has already joined the meeting, just select Audio off to join with your audio off and avoid disrupting the meeting.

  3. If your device doesn't detect the room nearby, select Add a room under Other join options and search for the room you're using.
  4. If you've already joined the meeting on your personal device, you can select Show participants, then go to Invite someone or dial a number and search for the room name. Then, select the room and OK to call it into the meeting.
  5. Then, the room will ring. To join the meeting, select Godta on the room console.
Note: Make sure the audio on your personal device is off before you accept the call on the room console, or you could cause echo.

Start an unscheduled meeting

  1. Select Nytt møte on the touchscreen console.
  2. Under Skriv inn et navn eller telefonnr, find the people you want to invite.
  3. Select people to add them to the list of invitees.
  4. After all the people you want to invite are on the list, select Inviter. Your meeting will begin automatically.

Share content

Share your screen with others

Connect your personal device to the cable connected to the room console and your screen will be shared automatically.

If you have joined the meeting on your personal device, you can share your screen by selecting the button Share content in your meeting controls. Then, choose to present your entire desktop, a window, a PowerPoint presentation, or a whiteboard. Go to Share your screen in a Teams meeting to learn more.

Manage a meeting

Add a participant

  1. Go to Legg til deltakere on the touchscreen and find the people you want to invite.
  2. Select the people to add them to the list of invitees.
  3. When all the people you want to invite are on the list, select Inviter.

Pin a participant's video

When there are multiple people sharing video in a meeting and you want to see one person’s video on your room display, select their name on the room console, then Fest.

Note: This will only pin the video for the room, not for others in the meeting.

Remove a participant from the meeting

To remove someone from a meeting, select their name on the room console, then Fjern deltaker.

Manage audio

  • Select the microphone symbol on the room console to mute or unmute the room mic.
  • Select Volume up or Volume down to adjust the speaker volume or mute the speaker.
  • Mute participants by selecting a name, and then select Demp lyd for deltaker.

Manage video

  1. Select the camera symbol on the room console to turn the camera on and off.
  2. Choose which video device you want to use, or tap Camera Off to stop streaming the room's video.
Note: For now, you can only switch between cameras on Skype for Business.

Leave a meeting

Select Forlat møte (Leave meeting) on the room console to leave a meeting.


Orakel Support Services can help you if you have questions or encounter difficulties.