

Book a hotel

This page is for NTNU's employees who need to book hotel rooms for business trips.

Norwegian: Bestille hotellrom

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Booking through Berg-Hansen

 Book a hotel room

Please provide your and/or your guest's telephone number when booking, so that the hotel can contact the guest directly if necessary.

Booking directly from the hotels

All hotel accommodations in Norway must be booked through Berg-Hansen. This is the only way for NTNU-employees to book hotel rooms at the agreed-upon price.

The reason for this is a new joint government agreement for hotel accommodation, that has been entered into by the The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ) and that is applicable to all government organizations. The agreement has been made with a number of hotels, divided into different areas. Additional details about the agreement and a list of participating hotels can be found on DFØ’s website (in Norwegian).

The agreement, as well as booking through Berg-Hansen, is binding and must be used by all NTNU employees for hotel stays in Norway.

If you need to book an accessible room, please contact Berg-Hansen directly for your reservation.

Booking hotel rooms abroad

The joint government agreement does not apply in other countries. You are therefore free to choose which hotel to stay at outside of Norway, but we recommend that you still book accommodation through NTNU's travel agency. Berg-Hansen has done quality assessments of hotel chains and ensured that the hotels offered are located in secure areas.

Due to government regulations, various rental companies cannot be accepted as accommodation, neither domestically nor abroad.

Apply for a credit card. If you do not have a credit card, please contact your purchaser, who will book your travel for you and take care of the invoicing.

Register your credit card/Eurocard in the Self-service portal. Doing so will make it easy to retrieve your card transactions when you register a travel expense claim.


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