Audio description - Kunnskapsbasen
Audio description
Audio description can be described as explaining visual content in a video that is not already presented as sound. The requirement for audio description of pre-recorded media in the public sector comes into effect from February 1, 2024.
Norsk versjon: Synstolking av video
Standard audio description
Standard audio description consists of a narrator's voice that is clearly distinguished from other voices and sounds in the video. The narrator conveys what is happening in the video when no one is speaking, such as people entering a room, behavior, and body language. Audio description of video is often presented as a separate audio track that is played alongside the video's sound.
In audio description it is important to describe what is essential for the user to understand the story/message.
Integrated audio description
Integrated audio description is the recommended solution in the higher education sector. If all the information in the video is already provided through audio, then audio descriprion might not be necessary. This applies to many recorded presentations if a few simple points are taken into account.
Quality Check for audio description:
- Does the audio explain what is happening in the film?
- Are text placards read aloud?
- Are descriptions provided for still images, diagrams, tables, or similar elements?
- Have words requiring visual context been avoided? For example, "here," "there," "this way," etc.
Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet og Kulturdepartementet, Høring - nye krav til universell utforming av nettsteder og mobilapplikasjoner for offentlige og private virksomheter (23.09.2019).
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