
Artificial intelligence in teaching and assessment

Illustration of a robot floating in front of a PC
Illustrasjon: Colourbox

Here you will find basic information about what artificial intelligence (AI) is and how you can relate to AI in the implementation of your course. 

Norsk versjon: Kunstig intelligens i undervisning og vurdering

Related websites for teachers: 

Get help with AI

Do you have ideas, thoughts, or issues related to AI in teaching and assessment? You can ask for help and support, and you will receive a response through NTNU Hjelp, or we can set up a meeting.

Contact us via NTNU Hjelp (see blue box on right side)

NTNU has the AI-tool Copilot for staff. You can read more about Copilot and how to start using it here.

Meeting places 

«Lærende fellesskap» (Learning community) is a self-help forum and a digital meeting place where you can discuss with other engaged users. Together, you can exchange ideas and discuss possibilities, challenges, and practical solutions. Go straight to the forum.


  • March 20, 2023, 1-2 pm: Artificial intelligence, teaching, learning, and assessment: Kunstig intelligens, undervising, læring og vurdering (Recorded)
  • March 23, 2023, 2-3 pm: Open discussion about artificial intelligence, exams, and teaching: In the self-help forum Lærende fellskap  you can take a look at some of the questions and answers from the webinar Open post. 

Video: Introduction to artificial intelligence 

This video (6:30 minutes) provides basic knowledge about artificial intelligence. The video is in English. 


Questions or need for guidance? Please contact Uniped


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