Anskaffelse - 1 Vurdere behov ved anskaffelser
1. Assessing your needs
Assessing your needs
Before buying any new products or services, it's important to consider if your needs could be met in any alternative ways:
- If you require scientific equipment or research infrastructure, please check to see if borrowing it through Bookitlab could be a viable option.
- For software requirements, ensure that there are no alternative solutions available before making a new purchase.
- If you are in need of furniture or other types of equipment, first see if this is available through NTNU's online second-hand store, Gjenbrukstorget, or if your existing furniture or equipment could be reupholstered or repaired by the supplier.
- Consider if NTNU has any other internal resources or services that can meet your needs.
Early assessments
Procuring goods or services can be a time-consuming process. Therefore, it's important to carefully assess your needs in advance and have an approved budget for the purchase.
It is also important to report your need for a procurement as early as possible:
- The initiator of the process, typically the individual with the need to purchase a product or service, must clarify the requirement and estimated cost with a superior who has the authority to approve expenses (BDM). If the BDM does not approve the procurement, the process will be terminated.
- Consider whether the product or service you require can be purchased through one of NTNU's existing framework agreements or other type of contracts.
- Framework agreements are mandatory to use, and in most cases, orders could be placed directly on such as an agreement.
- Some framework agreements may require a competition among existing suppliers (mini-competition). If this is necessary, the information will be available on the agreements page in NTNU's Contract Catalogue.
- All procurements with a value equal to or exceeding NOK 100,000 (excluding VAT), that are not covered by a framework agreement or other type of contract, as well as mini-competitions, must be conducted by a procurement adviser.
- Some units at NTNU have their own local procurement advisers with authority to conduct mini-competitions and handle procurements with a value up to NOK 1.3 million. If this applies to you, your purchase request should be reported following the procedures set by your unit.
- Procurement advisers in the Procurement and Purchasing Section have the necessary authorities to conduct all types of procurements. Any purchase processed through this section should first be reported via this form (in Norwegian).
- A procurement adviser will then be assigned to help the process initiator with the procurement.
- Please note that for procurements under NOK 100,000 excluding VAT, a simplified procedure is followed.
If you have any questions, please contact your local purchaser or requisitioner.
For further questions or advice, please contact your local procurement adviser or the Financial Division via e-mail:
Roles and responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities
BDM: Superior with authority to approve the procurement and budget. Long-term planning.
Process initiator: The employee with the need to purchase a product or service. They must specify the details of the purchase and get approval from their BDM. Additionally, they should report the procurement through the correct channel.
Procurement adviser: Provides advice and support throughout the process.
Purchaser/requisitioner: Provides guidance and information about the procurement process. Identifies potential areas suitable for new framework agreements.