
EPT - Department...

For students at EPT

Local info and guidelines for students at the Department of Energy and Process engineering

Norsk versjon - denne siden finnes bare på engelsk

See also: For students - NTNU | Studies at EPT

Master's thesis

The Master's thesis is usually a continuance from your Project work from the previous semester. If you want to change topic/supervisor, it is up to you to contact a new supervisor at the department.

See also: Writing and submitting your master's thesis - NTNU

Find past Master's theses from EPT students at NTNU Open.

Highlighted Master's theses by research topic

Many students ask for examples of previous master's theses. The list below has been highlighted by the Professors at the Thermo Fluids Research Group (April 2024):

Multiphase and free surface:

Turbulence and Aerodynamics:

Thermal Energy:

Project thesis

The processes for projects and themes are coordinated for all students at the Department of Electric Power Engineering and the Department of Energy- and Process Engineering.

Your supervisor may give you information about project assignment written by earlier students in the same subject .

Would you like to borrow old project assignments? Please contact the Department Office.


At the Department of Energy and Process Engineering the students can choose either 2 themes of 3.75 credits or 1 theme of 7.5 credits. See overview of themes at EPT.

Student workplace and lab

The student workplaces are reserved for 4th and 5th year students at the Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT).

The Department has a clean desk policy for all the student workplaces. This means that no student has a permanent desk, and all students need to clear their desk everyday. There are lockers available in the reading room for your belongings (bring your own padlock). NB: the engineers of the future need peace and quiet to work. Please bring your talk and whispering outside in the hall, to a group room or a cantina nearby.

Access to the buildings at EPT

To get access you must send an e-mail with your name and student card number to the Department Office.

Access to laboratories at EPT

Many students have laboratory work, which requires lab access. After you have completed a mandatory HES course and guided tour, you need the approval of your supervisor. See info on access to EPT's laboratories.

Student social area (in No: "identitetsareal")

There are social areas for EPT students according to which building you have your assigned student workplace.

As a Master's student at EPT with a student workplace in Varmeteknisk, you have access to the student social area in VA1 in Varmetekniske laboratorier, Kolbjørn Hejes v. 1B.

Student representatives at EPT

Master's and Bachelor's students have representatives in the extended management group at EPT.

Alumni network group

We invite students and former students to join the network group "NTNU Alumni Energi- og prosessteknikk".


Student contact persons in the administration is Anita Yttersian and Nina Laumann.

See also: Who does what in the EPT admin group