
Wiki pages - Confluence

NTNU's wiki program, Confluence, is a perfect tool for sharing information and documents with internal and external partners.

Norsk versjon - Wikisider - Confluence

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Free wiki tool

You can get this wiki tool for free, as it is included in the larger software package that NTNU has purchased. However, if you need add-ons to the software, your research group or unit will have to pay for this in each individual case. If in the future the service is removed from NTNU's software packaging, it will likely continue to be financed using some other source of funds.

Here is what you get in the basic package

  • Ability to create a wiki in the standard layout
  • Access control
  • Operations and supervision
  • Backups

Request a wiki

Send your request to NTNU help's form for Request wiki hotel. Your request should include a description of the objectives for the wiki, as well as the name of the person who will be the wiki administrator. NTNU will evaluate your request based on Guidelines for the use of NTNU's wiki hotel (pdf, in Norwegian). Once your request has been approved, the wiki will be created.

How it works

You'll be given access to a wiki at a wiki hotel (in Norwegian), which is owned and operated by NTNU. When you go to the wiki hotel, you'll also find a user manual, both for beginners and more advanced users. When you create your wiki (also in Norwegian) you'll get the default NTNU format and the ability to control access.


Each wiki administrator can create his or her own access groups and add people to these different groups. There are two standard access groups: one for administrators and one for users.

Operation and administration

The system is operated and administered by NTNU IT. Maintenance takes place every other Wednesday of the month between 17:00-19:00 (5pm - 7pm), and users are notified of down time 7 days in advance. Users will be notified of any other interruptions in service 7 days in advance, although if there are problems of a critical nature, it is possible that the system will be serviced on short notice.


The entire wiki is backed up every night. You can also back up your own wiki if you are the administrator. If you have your own backup, you can go back to an earlier version of your wiki or the articles in it if necessary.

Your obligations and responsibilities

  • Clients/wiki administrators are responsible for keeping themselves informed about planned and unplanned downtimes, and informing their users about it.
  • Clients/wiki administrators are responsible for instabilities or problems that result from changes that the client him or herself have made. Any time that NTNU IT has to correct these problems will be billed to the responsible party.
  • Clients/wiki administrators are responsible for ensuring that the contents of the wiki adhere to approved guidelines.
  • Clients/wiki administrators are responsible for ensuring that external users adhere to the approved guidelines, IT-regulations, and requirements for the use of IT services at NTNU.

What you can expect

The wiki is normally available around the clock, 7 days a week. Your problems will be solved as soon as possible within standard response times. The delivery time for a new wiki is maximum of 5 days after your request has been approved.


Send your wiki request or other inquires to Orakel Support Services.

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