

Whistleblowing - To give notification

For your information: The new notification routines is in progress and the content on this page will be updated as soon as they are in ready (September 2023).

At the NTNU, the elected representatives, unions ond the safety representatives can give notification on behalf of themselves or others.

Norsk versjon: Varslingsplikt for ansatte

According to the Working Environment Act you have a duty to give notification on: Bullying and harassment or breaches of NTNUs safety regulations, § 2-3.

If you notice circumstances which mentioned below, the NTNU wishes that you give notification according to The Working Environment Act § 2A-1 (2):

  1. life and health
  2. dangers to the climate or the environment
  3. corruption or economic criminality
  4. misuse of authority
  5. unjustifiable work environment
  6. breaches of the Personal Data Act.
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