
Visualization of data and drawings of diagrams

In this article you will get an overview of the different programs you can use to visualize data and drawings of diagrams.

Norsk versjon Visualisering av data og tegning av diagrammer

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This program is used to make different types of 2D- and 3D graphs. The graphs can be changed and improved interactively. Included in the program is the statistics program SigmaStat, which offers a range of functions for statistic data analysis. The graphs can be exported to other programs and a variety file formats. 

SigmaPlot can also be used as a plugin in Excel, meaning it can be used directly from inside Excel. 

Sigmaplot can be installed by both students and employees. For the installation guide and more information, see the article about Sigmaplot.


GLview is a visualization program developed by SINTEF. GLview utilize the graphic standard OpenGL for three dimensional graphics. The program can manage huge quantities of data, and read files from a variety of other programs.

GLview can view the following:

  • 3D-geometry based on own calculations.
  • Time variables and statistic results (scalar, vector/displacment)
  • Interactive animation where the model can be rotated and manipulated while the animation is running.

The program can be installed by both students and employees. For more information, see the article about GLview.


NTNU has licenses and discounts for multiple programs for drawing and illustrating, among them MS Visio and Adobe Illustrator. There is also several free alternatives. 

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe illustrator is a drawing- and illustration program based on vectors instead of pixel graphics. The program can be used for both teaching and academic work.

The program can be bought by employees through their local IT support. For more information, see the article about Adobe Illustrator.

Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Visio is a program intended for drawing of diagrams and forms.

Only employees under certain institues have access to this program, you can check with your local IT support. For more information, see the article about Microsoft Visio. (Norwegian article)


Dia is inspired by Visio and offers a lot of the same functionality. The program is GPL-licensed, and is therefor free. It's available for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows. 

It is not possible to open Visio-files in Dia, or the other way around.

For more information about Dia and how to download the program, see Dia's website.


Inkscape is a free alternative to Adobe Illustrator, and can be used by all students and employees from Software farm.

It can also be installed PCs. For more information, visit Inkscapes website.


Orakeltjenesten can help students with the installation of Sigmaplot and GLview. Employees can contact their local IT support for assistance installing all of the above programs.