
Install VPN

VPN on Linux

Do you need to access the library’s article databases or your private home area on your PC with Linux? This article helps you reach NTNU’s resources through VPN.

Norwegian version - VPN på Linux

Topic page about IT-services | Pages labeled with VPN


Connecting to NTNU through VPN is only available for NTNU’s students and staff. Not all distributions are supported by Cisco.

To use NTNUs VPN you can install Cisco AnyConnect on Linux:

Download from

When you connenct to you wil be required to enter twofactor authenication.

Alternative for ARM with Openconnect

Openconnect is not officially supported by Cisco or NTNU, but has worked previously. This might suddenly break again if Openconnect or the VPN solution is updated. After the latest update of the VPN service, there are issues with TLSv1.3 from Openconnect.

It is possible to disable TLSv1.3 so that Openconnect uses TLSv1.2, but it seems this must be done globally on the PC. Run ```openconnect -v```, here you typically see gnutls. Then you can disable TLSv1.3 in the config file (/etc/gnutls/config) for gnutls to something like this:



disabled-version = tls1.0

disabled-version = tls1.1

disabled-version = tls1.3


Remember to include Useragent, for example like this: ``` openconnect --useragent="AnyConnect Linux" ```


Orakeltjenesten can help if you encounter difficulties.