Uniped - continuation pedagogical development project - Kunnskapsbasen
Uniped - continuation pedagogical development project
See also: Uniped | Fortsettelse pedagogisk utviklingsprosjekt
Continuation project is an optional module (40 hrs) of the Uniped program.
Innholdsfortegnelse [-]
- Purpose
- Content and organization
- Project
- Report
- The connection between the report in the introductory part and the report in ”Continuation project"
- Description of implementation and evaluation of the measures
- Discussion of results and experiences from the project
- Requirements for the report
- Cooperation and co-writing
- Assessment and feedback
- Dissemination and publication
This module is for you who choose to proceed with the pedagogical development project that you worked on in the introductory part. The purpose of the continuation of the project is to practically implement and critically evaluate the proposed measures.
Content and organization
In this module, you work independently on the project and document the work through a project report.
In addition, you can choose to participate in a 3-hour workshop that is arranged each semester; mid-April (after Easter) in the spring semester and mid-October in the autumn semester. The workshop is divided into three parts: 1) Evaluation of measures in development project; 2) Collegial coaching and response to draft reports; 3) Participants' questions and challenges.
You also have the opportunity to schedule an hour of supervision with a supervisor from the Uniped staff.
As inspiration and resource, we can recommend the book (open access) "Writing about Learning and Teaching in Higher Education - Creating and Contributing to Scholarly Conversations across a Range of Genres" by Mick Healey, Kelly E. Matthews, and Alison Cook-Sather.
- Independent project work and report writing
- Workshop: Report writing and evaluation (participation is optional)
- One hour of supervision (optional)
The connection between "the project" in the introductory part and ”Continuation project”
"Continuation project" builds on the project in the introductory part. The most common way is to see the project in the introductory part (30 hrs) and the work in the module "Continuation project" (40 hrs) as two phases in the development project; the first as an assessment and planning phase, and the second as an implementation, testing and evaluation phase. At the same time, all pedagogical development projects are different, and the connection between these two parts will depend on what suits your project. You describe the connection between the project in the introductory part and the continuation of the project in the cover sheet.
A good piece of advice for you who during the introductory part think that you want to proceed with the project, is to discuss with your group leader in the collegial coaching group ways to create coherence and a good distribution of work between the intro part and the project module.
Requirements for continuation of the pedagogical development project
As this is a continuation and/or an in-depth study of the pedagogical development project that you worked on, documented and received an approved report on in the introductory part, the same requirements apply to what you are expected to do in a pedagogical development project (see separate description).
In addition, the requirements for continuating the project are to:
- implement the action plan / the measures
- evaluate the measures
- describe implementation and evaluation, as well as discuss the results from the evaluation and the experiences from the project in a project report
You document the continuation of your development project by writing a report, and we evaluate your project based on what you document in the report. The requirement for passing the module is an approved report. There is no fixed submission deadline for the report. You submit in Blackboard and notify Uniped that you have submitted.
The connection between the report in the introductory part and the report in ”Continuation project"
To be able to submit a report in the module "Continuation of project", you must have already submitted and received an approved report for the project in the introductory part. That means that you deliver a total of two reports. It is common to integrate parts of the first report in the report for "Continuation project", and you can of course edit the text. You describe how you have used the report from the project in the introductory part in the cover sheet.
Description of implementation and evaluation of the measures
In the evaluation of the measures, you will build on the aspects that you brought forward in the discussion of the four perspectives in the project's analytical/investigative phase (the introductory part's project report). You must clearly show how the measures have been evaluated by the students and which student perspectives emerge through the evaluation. You must also include your own experiences and assessments in the evaluation.
Discussion of results and experiences from the project
The findings from the evaluation should be critically discussed in light of theory and input from colleagues. By doing this, you will build a reflexive and nuanced line of argument that takes into account all four perspectives. At the end, you should clarify your own knowledge development, plans for the future, and what others can learn from the project.
Requirements for the report
- Length: 3000-5000 words (minimum 5000 for co-authored reports)
- References: at least 4 references of university pedagogical research literature (at least 6 references for co-authored reports)
- Cover sheet:
- Description of the connection between the project in the introductory part and the continuation of the project in this module, and what is new?
- Description of how you have used the report from the project in the introductory part when you have written the report for the continuation of the project
- (Description of cooperation and the co-operation's contribution to the project – in cases of co-writing)
- Content:
- Short abstract (max 200 words) + 3-5 keywords
- Description of idea, problem to be adressed, purpose/objective.
- Background and description of situation and context.
- Systematic account of the four perspectives
- Analysis and discussion of measures
- An action plan
- Description of implementation the action plan / measures
- Evaluation of measures
- Choise of method
- Limitations
- Results
- Critical discussion based on the findings from the evaluation
- What insights and results has the project provided?
Cooperation and co-writing
In cases where two or more participants cooperate on a project, you can choose whether you want to write individual reports or write a joint report (co-writing). In both cases, all authors must submit their report individually (for registration). When co-writing, the requirements for length and references are somewhat more extensive (see above). In addition, there are requirements that the report contains a section where the authors clarify how the cooperation has contributed to the project.
Assessment and feedback
Reports are assessed approved / minor changes / major changes in the same way as when submitting manuscripts to journals. Everyone will receive feedback on the report. If the report is not approved, you will receive specific feedback on how you can continue working on the project and submit revised report. Our goal is to help you write as good a report as possible and support you in your development work.
We assess the project through what you articulate and document through the project report. The overall criterion for the assessment is that the project and the report are in line with the description above. We assess the quality of the report with regard to:
- Clarity and coherence throughout the report
- Anchoring, relevance and nuanced discussion of the four perspectives
- Argumentation, feasibility and level of ambition of the action plan
- Critical discussion of the evaluation
- Reflection level in the description of insights and results
Dissemination and publication
The report should target and be comprehensible to educators teaching in higher education. The goal is that other university educators can read and learn from the report; and that they can translate its arguments and findings into their own contexts. With dissemination and possible publication in mind, we ask you to consider what type of information you can share and especially cater that no third parties can be identified without their permission.
All approved reports can be submitted to a special issue of the e-journal "Læring om Læring”, which is published once a year in October / November. You can also choose to edit the report for publication in a professional journal.